chapter 12

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I was asleep, and knew I was asleep. My head was a big hall, lined with doors and bookshelves that reached a ceiling that was basically non-existant. I hummed, moving to a wall that looked like it was missing a few shelves, and the other side was a void of space with things floating about in a see of nothingness.

"Jeez.... I didn't think the gap would be this big." I grumbled, sitting down at a chair before a large loom. Before I went to work wheezing a new barrier, a phone rang in the distance. After a few minutes of peddling the ancient machine and spinning out new "thread" for the wall, I realised, I never synthesized a phone here. 

I kept memories, thoughts, my forms, and their mechanics behind the doors, and various other information in the books. I frowned, then stood up. I walked down one end of the hall, then back down the end I cam from. I found the ringing coming from the pile of debris next to the hole. 

"Hold on hold on hold on!" I said, pushing stacks of books aside, and shoving a broken door aside. Sitting on the floor, was the most beautiful phone I had ever laid eyes on. It was dainty, and ornate, the body looking like it was crafted from a pure silver (or at least silver plated) music box. The cradle stood five or six inches above the body, holding the reciever delicately like it was ready to fall. The cord was an ivory cream color, matching rotary pad and sections of the reciever. 

I stared at the phone, then snatched it up quickly. "....Hello?"

"Wow," a masculine voice let out a sigh of relief, "I didn't think I'd get through." 

I knelt in front of the phone, holding the large receiver to my head. 

"Oh. Hey Donovan." I said, looking out the hole and spotting the cord that led into the void. "What's up?"

"We need to talk." he said, sounding stressed, "Is now a good time for you? I'm not interrupting some dream am I?"

I pulled the phone away from my face and stared at it. I shrugged my shoulders and put my ear back to the device. "I was just fixing my barriers. What's up?"

"Please don't do that." he sounded hurt.

"....I need to bro; there is a giant hole in my head." I stuck my head out, and looked up and down. The illussion of a wall had a gaping hole that was twelve feet high and fifteen feet wide, the edges varying but not going beyond those expanses. "Devonny must have done a number on me..."

"I'm sorry." he said. 

"What for? It happens." I said casually.

I heard Donovan sigh on the other end. I curled the cord around my index finger and played with the coils. "I did that." he said, flat yet sounding stressed. "After that Dragon wounded you... You were weak. I needed to have your body listen to me when I was healing you and... Your defenses were tough."

I listened to him. "And why can't I close this up?" I asked, looking at the perimeter.

"Because I imprinted on you." he sighed. 

"What? Like a kitten to their mom?" I chuckled. "Gotta hand it to you, you are growing on me, Dr. Malinda." When my chuckles subsided it was oddly quiet on Donovan's end. I cleared my throat, and apologised. "Sorry, wanna explain what happened?"

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