chapter 1

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prt 1

My name is Jessamine "Sam" Sinclaire, I live in Detroit, and the city is having a bounce back from the financial turmoil of previous years. I'm currently going to community college, and today, I'm going to my old elementary school for a a secretary job.

I had been helping them move boxes and books during the summer and at the ice cream social, the principal and the previous secretary had asked if I wanted a job. Today, I was going to come in for the interview and hopefully in a few days I'd have a job.

I had graduated highschool, and was currently just was between jobs. Small weekend things, helping people move, clean gutters, yard work, babysit- temporary things.

There was alot to do around the city, Downtown was lively all summer with art fairs and exhibitions. We would go to see something fun or volunteer for it. Summer was ending.

"You left your blazer at home, Jules." the text read. "Mom says call her back when you get out."

I looked at my purple and mauve plad pants. They were dress pants, a crisp crease down the center, no wrinkles and went nice with the button up silk blouse I wore. Instead of the yellow twead blazer my mother had wanted me to wear, I wore a thin black hoodie that had skulls running up my left hip to the collar.

I cradled the can of Arizona between my hands, waiting for something. Little kids were looking at me, and one twelve year old ran up to me.

"Are you Miss Attwater?"

"Eh?" I blanked.

"Attwater. We were told the Mrs. Simons was going to be on leave because of the baby." the girl were one.

I paused and looked at my bag, shoes, then the pants. Did I look like a trendy substitute teacher?

"Um, nope." I grinned. "I'm trying out for the secretary position."

The girl nodded. "Everyone thought you were. You look so young and secretaries are eithr, really old or really sexy with those tight miniskirts."

I stared at the girl, smirking. "You watch too much television." I sipped my drink again, smiling and a little less nervous. "Do substitute teachers follow this rule?"

"They're either super nice or super mean. Looks don't follow the rules." The girl turned back to her class who were waiting anxiously. "She's not Attwater!"

They all looked disappointed, some of their reactions were comical. I sighed and finished off my drink. "I'll see you guys around." I waved and went to go inside. They had said to come in any time, and here I was lolly-gagging outside, biding my time.

"Maybe I should have worn the white sweater." I mumbled, waiting to be buzzed in. "I should have taken some of the apple fritters... or maybe the pack of celery.... Celery and peanut butter. That sounds yummy."

I pulled open the door, someone pushed and we made eye contact. A teenage guy wasn't looking where he was going and his shoulder slammed into me. My heels slipped from under me, my hands clammered to grab onto the door handles. I missed and was suddenly seeing stars.

"Brandon! holy shit!" someone's voice jarred into my head.

"Dun touch me." I said, eyes shut tight. The world was spinning, so I put two and two together. I had hit my head either on the red brick wall, or the tiled flooring.

"Why don't you watch where you're going Brandon!" Someone's hand was cradling my head, and I stared into brown-yellow eyes. "Don't fall asleep."

"No shit Sherlock." I growled back. Time was lost on me, and I swear children were teleporting out of nowhere.

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