"And I was overjoyed to have Arthur propose. We were nineteen and I was pregnant with Bill, as you know. We didn't even think about it at the time. It just happened. And considering everything that's currently happening in the world, I think you two shouldn't think about it either. You should make the most of the time you have. I hate to say this, but do it before it's too late."

Molly had certainly changed Blair's perspective. With how unstable everything has been lately, it seemed logical to tie the knot while they still could. Even Molly admitted that it wasn't the time to dawdle and wait for another opportunity to basically smack her in the face. George obviously wasn't going to reject her, so why not jump right in? What did they have to lose?

"Blair? You malfunctioning or something?"

Ginny had been staring at her for about three minutes after asking her questions about yesterday's events. Blair eventually shook her head and smiled nervously up at her, standing to her feet with her change of clothes.

"S-Sorry. I was just thinking... Charlie and I ran into a bunch of Death Eaters on the way here. Your Dad saw us fall into the field and came out to see if we were okay. It was only Charlie who was a little shaken," she explained, not bothering to leave the room to change. "As for George, he was in a different world. I had to get him to sleep after a bit of mindless jibberish."

The Weasley hummed, not entirely convinced but decided to leave it at that for the time being. The two made themselves presentable before heading downstairs where pots and pans were heard clanging together from the kitchen. They were greeted with the sight of Molly bustling around the table while the Weasley children, Fleur, Hermione and Harry sat eating a hefty breakfast. While Ginny smiled at Harry who looked over his shoulder at their entrance, Blair's eyes were drawn to George who sat with his back to her.

He happened to look over his shoulder and meet her eyes, making him pause his chewing and swallow loudly. The bandage looked worn and was beginning to yellow from everyday dirt. It reminded Blair to help him change it sometime today. The two noticed how sad the other seemed and George made sure his gaze could be seen settling on the chair he had left for her next to him. Her plate had also been filled with all the things she loved; waffles with blueberries, strawberries and melon doused in a white chocolate sauce. She knew that he had been responsible for her plate and she couldn't help the smile that took over her face as she slid into the chair.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, the other conversations at the dining table allowing only Blair to hear.

"Yeah. Are you okay? How's your ear?"

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore," George answered, switching his stare to and from his plate to Blair. But his attention was centred purely on the witch; feeling guilty and in need to address the issue. "I'm sorry for last night. I don't know what I was thinking. You were right. I was tired and delusional-"

"George. I understand. Your ear had just been ripped off."

"I know but... I really messed up with the proposal," he bit his lip; his hooded eyes looking extra slanting and sodden. "I gave you the ring and everything! It was so unromantic and I barely knew where I was!"

"Can you two not have this breakdown at the breakfast table?"

Blair and George turned to see that everyone had stopped eating and were staring at them with mostly unimpressed looks. Ron had been the one to speak and was currently being glared at by Molly. But it was evident that the rest of the table was uncomfortable hearing the supposedly private conversation between the two. With what they thought was a private exchange had gotten louder and had caught the attention of the rest of the table, their breakfasts forgotten and the mood dampened largely from the seriousness. Turning a deep red and looking down at their plates, Blair and George stayed quiet throughout the rest of the morning meal.

Molly had dismissed them from doing any of the washing up to take a walk and discuss their issues like adults. The other Weasley children had grumbled about this but were shushed sternly by their mother, leaving the two to leave the house and walk around the perimetre of the barrier. The clouds that had solidified the previous day had disappeared completely and left a clear, blue sky with a bright ball of sunshine. It was the perfect day for a walk and the perfect day to sort out a 'failed' marriage proposal.

"I brought it with me if you want to... try again?" it sounded like a question and the dainty ring sat in the middle of Blair's hand. George looked down at it and felt the edge of his lips hitch up into a half smile, taking it between his forefinger and thumb. The diamond caught the sunlight and blinded him for a moment, before he turned it to have its glittering reflection shine on the flowing grass that surrounded their legs.

"Ishould have brought the box too," he added, glancing back at Blair with hischeeks turning a light pink.

At the small glance he did, he noticed how beautiful Blair looked in the sunlight. Her dark hair turned shades of maroon and her eyes scrunched up; her irises being brown if George were to see them clearly. The long grass around them towered over her and the black clothing covering her small figure stood out like a sore thumb against its yellow storks. The only thing that was missing was the ring that was in his hand, instead of on her finger.

"Should I try again?" he questioned, embarrassed and feeling pathetic.

"No," she shook her head. "I would just... like to have the ring on."


Blair nodded and smiled brightly up at George. Her smile topped off the scenary and George felt his heart flutter. He beamed as bright as the sun and reached down to take her hand gently into his. He smoothed his fingers over her knuckles before holding out the digit that sat in between her middle and pinkie finger. The two watched as George slipped on the thin band of the ring and made the diamond face the sky once it reached her knuckle.

"It looks nice," he commented and Blair giggled, making him look back at her face. "What made you change your mind?"

"I don't know, really," she shrugged and looked up to George also, love evident in her eyes. "Just a bit of personal realisation with a little help from your mother." 

George chuckled at the mention of his mother encouraging Blair to accept his proposal with a more open mind. He kept hold of Blair's hand and eyed the stone that reflected into his eyes whenever it caught the light. It would have been an odd sight for an outsider to see the two of them standing in the middle of a field with a thick, yellowing bandage around his head and with an engagement ring newly placed on Blair's finger. But the scene, even though unplanned and not what he had wanted initially for the proposal, was perfect. He had all that he wanted.

"You really want this? A hundred percent?"

"I do. A hundred percent."

"So you'll do it? You'll marry me?" he made sure.

"Yes, George. I'll marry you."

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