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Kira's POV

I flew quickly down the road to reach school. 'My first day and I'm almost late!" I mentally screamed as I flew faster.

I flew down the halls to find my class. I finally find a door that said 1A in large letters doing down. I landed and nocked on the door. My wings folded behind me as I waited for an answer.

The door opens and I see Eraser head. I mentally sigh and smiled.

"You must be the new girl." He said in a tired tone, I nod. "Come in and introduce yourself." He said moving out of my way. I walk in and stand I front of the class.

"Hello my my name is Kira Ryou. I will be your new class mate." My tail rapped around my leg as I talked to the class. I saw a hand go up in the air and a girl with brown hair looked at me. "Yes?"

"What is your quirk?" She asked.

"My quirk is well I call it devil because I have a tail, wings, and horns." I said pointing to the top of my head where my horns are. Many oooohhhs and aaahhhs were heard.

"Go sit down Ryou." I cross my arms and walk to an empty seat next to a boy with ash blond hair. I kick my feat up and play with one of the claws on my wings. I didn't listen to the teacher. Soon everyone started to leave so I followed. I follow a girl from our class to the changing rooms. I grab my hero suit like everyone else.

(The title pic is what your suit looks like. The back just looks like the back of a crop top just with a star cut out for my wings.)

I put it on just like the other girls.

"Wow your costume is so cute~" a pink girl said. I put on my fake smile.

"Thanks." My tail rapped around my arm and my wings were folded behind me. We all leaving after they introduced themselves. We walked out to a large building and All Might stood at the entrance.

"Hello student's today were doing a villain vs hero battle. Choose a letter if you get an A you are a hero. If you get a B then you are a villain." He said while holding out a sack with paper in it. We all take turns pulling out of the hat. It was my turn and the pro hero looks at me. "Wait young Ryou I want you to be a hero." He said to me. I nod and walk away. I didn't pay attention to him until he said my name. "Kira Ryou I want you and Midoriya with lida and Bakugou."

"May I ask who they are and why?" I say with a blunt voice.

"Bakugou has blond hair, lida had dark blue, and Midoriya has green." I saw all three of these boys and nod.

"Thank you sir." Everyone's fights went well.

It was now my turn to go. Midoriya and I walk to start a strategy.

"Okay you distract this Bakugou guy while I fly a head and get the 'bomb'." I say using air quotes when I said bomb. He nods.

"K-kaccan wont be tricked easily." He studdered.

"You know them both better than me so you can handled the boy with large grenades on his hands and I'll handle the boy with engines on his legs. I'm guessing he can go fast but can't fly so this should be a piece of cake." He nods and we walk into the building.

We walked around for a bit. "So about this Kacchan kid?" I say not really caring much.

"If I know him he will go after me." Midoriya said walking beside me.

"DEKU!" I turn my head and see and flying ash blond. Little explosions were coming from his palms. I quickly grabs the green haired male and pul him closer to me. I close my wings around us as a large explosion is blasted at us. 'Damn it I'm a villain what am I doing.' I blush and push the male away. I look back at the ash blond who looked pissed.

I fly up and quickly over him. He looks at me as I fly away.

"Get the fuck back here new girl!" He screams. I start to hear explosions and I fly faster. I was soon grabbed by the leg and thrown down.

"Damn it." I curse. My tail snaked around my leg and I glare at the male. I get up and punch him. Left hand punch. Right hand punch. Round house kick. I do several fighting technics.

I throw a punch and he grabs my hand. He twists my arm and I wince in pain. "Don't do it Bakugou!" I could hear All Mights voice in his ear piece.

"She handle it. Little devil is a hero after all." He said smirking he twists my arm more. I smirk and twist my body in the same direction, quickly kicking him in his side. He looks shocked as I fly away. Not soon after Midoriya shows up.

I fly up several stairs and see a blue haired male facing away from me. I get down low quickly and listen to what he's saying. I don't know what was happening but I think he's trying to act like a villain. I roll my eyes and fly into the scene.

I catch him off gaurd with my sudden action. I kick him swiftly in the side making him fall to he ground. I smirk and walk over to him. "Your rein of terror is over villain," I say trying really hard not to laugh.

He smirks and grabs my foot the was pressed against his chest. He throws me off him and I land on the floor. I get up and fly up. He didn't catch me yet as I flew to the bomb. A loud explosion caught me off gaurd.

Now the bomb was flying. "Now!" Midoriya yelled. I fly up and grab the bomb.

"HERO'S WIN!" All Nights voice boomed. I land safely and touch my right wing. It hurt a little from flying too much.

"Kira!" I heard my name and looked over to he person. It was lida.

"Yes." I say back massaging my wing.

"You are a good fighter. It was an honor fight with you." He said with a bow.

"Um... Yeah thanks." I say getting up and massaging my wings.

Le time skip

At the end of the day I walked to our bar aka my home. My first day was rough. I thought as I walk pass a playset. I sit down and grab my water bottle. I took a sip and out it back. I flexed my wings a bit to see if I was good to fly now. I was so I got up and hovered over the ground.

"Hey damn newbie!" I heard a ruff voice shout at me from behind. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"What do you want?" I spat out. The ash blond looked at me as if I was revolting. I looked at him with an angry expression.

"Don't think your better than me just because y'all won. Your still an extra and I'll be the number one hero."

"Yeah whatever hot stuff." I said winking which made him blush. I fly over to him and get really close to his face. "I would suggest you don't talk back to me. You have no idea what in capable of." I whispered in his ear. I licked the tip of his ear then stepped back. He blushed at what I just did. I smirk and turn around walking home.

Le time skip

I got back to the bar and walked in. My jacket was tied around my waist and my tie was loose around my neck. Tomura looked shocked to see me then his face turned to a smile.

"Happy to see me Tomura?" I cooed as I walked to the bar stool.

"Got any info about UA?" He asked handing me a drink.

"Only that we are going to the USJ tomorrow." I said shrugging. "And that All Might would be there." When those words left my lips Tomura smiled evilly.

"Thank you my little devil. You are dismissed."

Wooooo new story enjoy!!!

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