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"No no no noooo....mommy I sowwy pls..." Finally where he should be, "Alright then, 5 days Maximus Zander Quinton you will be inside here, make yourself comfortable sweetheart" that said I walked out of his room feeling better now Blake stood there with a smirk on his face "You did so well, I am proud of you" he said with a thumbs up and that made me smile, mission accomplished...!


Word Count :- 2653.

I know, it was wrong but I just couldn't resist the urge to consume it, it was as if my body was on auto pilot and I couldn't help but listen to my body's need, I regret it, really do.

How will I survive through this punishment, no entertainment at all that's just stupid. Clearly, she knows well how to keep someone like me in control, it's just 10 Am and here I am all bored without my tablet or even my phone, she took away everything.

I am going to die within 5 days, without work and games, how will I sit here doing nothing, I can't. Something I need to do in order to keep my mind occupied, let's see...what can I do ??

Read books, I am so glad that I have a library in my room that I can go through. Sketching, Definitely happening, after all it was my hobby.
Music, Hell yes, I have an old radio probably lying somewhere in my old cupboard which I now use as a mini store room, let's see if it works then.
Coloring book, I have them from my previous...I don't even want to remember those days with that Asshole, so I think I have a lot of stuff to do, I can be busy all I want without complaining.

Soon it was lunch time when I heard a knock on my door, I assumed it to be Scarlett, to be honest here I was a bit disappointed with the punishment, what I did was wrong I agree but it wasn't that big of a Crime.

"Come in" I said to which the door slowly opened and peeking in was George who had a smirk plastered up on his face. "You aren't allowed here...no one is" I warned him, still he walked in. Me and George are good friends now and he has a secret which no one else knows other then me and his wife off course, he as well is a little but just like me he fears telling anyone outside, men like us are always asked to be a figure of dominance, why because that's what we are meant to be.

We can be at the top of our game and still be like this whenever we want, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's not wrong to get a little help when we mess things up.

"Yeh, but she isn't home yet so we have time, we play ??" He asked making me slip into my headspace more, "Let's pay" I said standing up and going towards my old cupboard to fetch out a bag which consisted of toys, I have lots of them.

Talking about our headspace, I could slip as low as 2 years till 5 while George had a headspace much older than mine, he could be anywhere in between 4 to 7. I was 5 now.

We decided to play with cars, he took lighting McQueen and I chose Mater, we were both in the middle of our car race when the door to my room flung open revealing both my mommy and his, "what's going on in here ??" Mommy asked looking me in the eyes with that deadly look on her face which made me gulp hard.

"Mommy, we play cars" I said trying my best to not sound stupid but I was in headspace so every fucking thing I say will sound stupid...!!

"That I can see but you have a company" she said now shooting daggers at George and my defense mechanism made me stand in front of George, "no beat him momma" I said and I bet to her I was being dramatic, but George is my friend and I won't let anything happen to him.

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