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Word Count :- 941

It's been a month and a lot has happened while Maximus Zander is Missing, after he left my house he never reached home, I have been searching for him since then, I made my people search him everywhere possible.

He left a note which said that I will look after his work till he is out, which doesn't make any sense, one his servant discovered that note while cleaning his office, it does sound weird but the word was out in front of the board members and they decided to go with what was written on that stupid piece of paper, I was temporarily given the title of CEO.

I am not sure if I am capable of dealing with all business related matters and that I have to find him as soon as possible, clearly this is not my job handling people and business.

I decided to take the matters in my hand as I started with his house first, it took me one day to go through everything in his Mansion, it was big.

This one room I found it smelled of blood but the room was spotless, sure enough something happened here, this place was recently cleaned, I talked it out with a servant who said that non of them were allowed to be on that floor except Blake, it means Blake whoever it was, Maximus trusted him with everything.

"Blake Hello, I am Scarlett..." Before I can finish up he interrupted "Greetings Miss Cason, I am aware of who you are, getting down with the matter, I know why you wanted to see me" he said eyeing me as I studied him for a while, I wanted to be sure about him, "Well then you might as well answer it Blake" I said looking away from him and towards a framed painting on the wall which got my attention.

"That room is strictly restricted, I have no idea why but it is..." He said while I scanned the painting, seems like Maximus was a great fan of art, it was the famous 'Interchanged' painting by Willem de Kooning, he definitely has a good taste in art.

"I smelled Blood in there..." I said as I admired the piece of art in front of me, "the room was recently cleaned and now the question is if not the servants and not even you landed a step inside that room then who cleaned it ??" I asked now deciding to look at him again.

"I love playing games Blake but this is not the right time to play, I have my little who is out there in the unknown all alone by himself, NOW BE A GENTLE MAN AND SPILL ALL OF YOUR GUTS OUT, THIS INSTANT...!!!" My fingers were gripped around his neck almost choking him, didn't realize what left my mouth then but I am sure that got his attention.

"Your little...erhhh, so you as well are in this type of thing..." I won't deny it but after how he behaved at my place it made me curious as to what exactly his mindset was, he called me 'mama' which off course I didn't let go off then, I did my little research on this and luckily I came across the Psychologist, Maximus used to spend time with sharing all of whatever he was going through, I agree it took a lot of patience to deal with that Psychologist who also happened to be Max's best friend and he wasn't ready to blurt out the needed information but in the end I got what I wanted and that is a lot of history about Maximus Zander but then again the Psychologist didn't know who Maximus was actually which means he was hiding it and which also means no one here probably knows who he is, they only know Maximus Zander the CEO of Zander International the Multi billion company.

"What do you mean I am in this as well, who else was ??" I asked, choking him a bit, "I I can't brea..." He said trying to get away from me "It's obvious Blake, I am choking you to get the answers which you could have said without making me work hard for it, see now I am working hard for answers..." Am I being rude, yes I am because this little thing is getting on my nevers "Okay okay okay...fine I wi..will tell....first get away from me..." he was a stuttering mess by now, Now I think we are getting somewhere.

"Could have done this before without all of the drama" I sighed walking back to take my seat on the sofa "Now go on, don't make me kill you because I am done with it, I already killed someone now I don't want blood on my hands again" I threatened him which got him started, by the end of it I had all of what I wanted to know but I will still make Maximus say it again when I find him.

It was now time for me to leave, I grabbed my hand bag from the table "You are crazy, I hope you know that...!!!" Said Blake which made me laugh at "Oh dear, I am much more worst than that in terms of what is mine" With that said I walked my way out of the Zander Estate.

This is it, he was what I wanted, never realized when I started to get feelings for him in such a short time but it's a strong one, Maximus Zander Quinton I am coming for you.
To be continued...

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