@ - 18

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Word Count :- 2022.

I never thought of doing what I did that night and after that it became his daily need, it has been a week now. After Max was discharged the next day we came back home from hospital, I had him settled down with everything to say the least that day was next level tiring but I was happy for Maximus, the 2000 Volt smile he had up on his face made my day, things started to just fall back in place as it should with Max getting back to his normal self, although I didn't allow him to step a foot out of this house, whatever work he has can be done from home, all I wanted was to be sure about him recovering well.

Talking about the present, I caught him smoking and drinking, after coming back home from work this evening I walked in on him drinking while his room was filled up with smoke and remains of cigarette were down on the floor with two empty bottles, after all of what happened he still was doing this, I don't know what else I should do, "what the hell do you think you are doing Maximus Zander Quinton..!!!!" I yelled from behind him to which he shot up from his chair, all surprised.

"HeyyyyyU...you are baccccck...so earlyyyyy ??" Slurring he looked away from me, he couldn't even stand straight infront of me such a mess he was, "Shouldn't I be" that said I walked in to open the windows letting in the flow of fresh air, "I am tired Maximus, you went through a major surgery....the doctor asked you to not consume any of this and here you are..." I sighed looking at him, this won't work if he is going to do what he wants, I will have to take control.

"That's it, you are grounded for five days which I am sure isn't a big deal for yourself but Christ...am I waiting to see how the little you reacts when he comes to know that the big you disappointed mommy so she took away all the privileges such as, TV, Tablet, Games, yummy snacks, cuddles with mommy and how can I forget your favorite thing in the world, Suckies. Also you will stay in your room for five days, no body will come in except me so darling prepare yourself for some alone time" that said I was out of his room without even waiting to hear what he had in defense for himself which I am sure would be nothing because he was so hammered to even care about what I said and honestly, I didn't wanted to do that but he needed this lesson, I am sure he will regret this later when he is sober and I will do what I said, if he thinks that he can do whatever he wants then he has got it all wrong, now next is Blake.

"Blake...!!!" Bellowing I walked down the staircase where I saw him standing with his head bowed down, "What did I tell you ??!" I demanded making him flinch to the choice of tone I used, he mumbled out some incoherent words which wasn't a good choice he made, "What was that ?" I asked again making him speak up a little louder than before "to..to not leave him alone Miss" he replied still with his head down, I didn't pay much attention to what he addressed me with, all I care now is about my orders which he failed to follow.

"Didn't I!!" I exclaimed to which he nodded but never once he raised his head up, "I never expected this from you Blake do you even know what he was doing upstairs, I caught him drinking...he is still recovering Blake, how can you just leave him on his own Blake, I instructed you strictly about not leaving his side no matter what!!!" I gave in as tears started to make there way down my cheeks, I dismissed Blake before he could even see a trace of my vulnerability.

Actually it was all my mistake, I should have been here for him, this same thing happened last time and now again, I should have been more careful with him. Why just why do I always mess up things.

I sat down on the couch with tears still in my eyes making the view blurry...No, this has to stop. I will have to be strong for him, crying won't help in a situation like this, I will have to learn how to tame that wild beast upstairs.

With that thought in my head I never realized when sleep consumed my self so swiftly.

Next morning I woke up early to find a blanket over me and I am sure it was Blake who did it and really I am very thankful for that.

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