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Word Count :- 1937

It has been five days with Max being in the hospital, to say the least he was irritated, I have heard him say "Mommy let's go home now" for like 100's of time.

He is recovering well and might as well be discharged today, he was excited about that and me I was annoyed because his nerves were all over the place while I was trying my best to not eat him alive but it was getting harder for me to control his excited state.

"That's enough Maximus Quinton, one more time if I here you say 'Mommy Let's go home', I will make sure that your stay here is extended, now do we want to be on the bed with all of the machines attached ??" I asked giving my him my best mommy look which was a mix-up of strictness and dominance, he went through a surgery and is hospitalized doesn't mean I will have him sit over my head, by no means am I compromising discipline here.

With a very small voice I heard him mumble a "NO", "That's what I thought, now let's go and brush those dirty teeth's of your, come on champ" I wanted him to know that I wasn't angry with him, it was just to calm his nerves down.

After running him through his daily routines I made him sit on the bed with my tablet on his lap watching his favorite movie Toy Story, I heard the door to our room creak open as Daniel popped his head in, he was doing some weird actions which I didn't quite get around with, what was he trying to say ??

Luckily, in walked Blake who shook his head towards Daniel and then eyed me, "I am here now, you can go outside and get your coffee, I will look after him in the mean while" he said to which I nodded, "Okay Max, mama will be back in a minute or two" I informed Maximus who was too busy watching Toy Story that I doubt he heard what I said, rolling my eyes I walked pass Blake who was laughing at my failed attempt, "Yeh, whatever Blake....just give me a call when he needs me" I said walking out of the room.

I was met by Daniel who stood there with a worried look and that made me worry about his worries, "What's wrong ??" I asked concerned, "Max won't be discharged today" he said making me look at him with more concern if that was possible, "Why is that ?? Is Everything Okay with Maximus ??....What's wrong!!!!" I panicked to which Daniel placed his hand on my shoulder, "Calm down, it's nothing to worry about, we just need to run few more tests to make sure that he is all good to go, tomorrow for sure he can be discharged" he explained making me relax a bit but then again what will happen if Max comes to know that he isn't going home today, the only thought of that had me panicked.

"You shouldn't have told him yesterday that he can go home today, he is really excited Daniel and not to forget he is irritated as well with this place, try and understand, he is not in his proper mindset" I stated pacing infront of him.

"I know, I know but I promise you that tomorrow after I receive his reports I will sign the discharge papers" that said he walks away, it was so easy for him to say that, I have a feeling that it won't be an easy task to handle him.

I walked down to the cafeteria where I prepared my cup of coffee and grabbed something healthy to eat but there was nothing which I thought was healthy here, all they had was junk food on the name of healthy food...a lot of health they are selling here in the hospitals cafeteria, dropping the idea of buying something to eat I walked out of the cafeteria.

I feel exhausted, these past few days have been hard for me, every morning starts with having Max do all his morning routine and then after like 11 am, I take a round in his office checking up on his emails and going through some of his meetings while postponing few of those which I think needs his attention, then comes me meeting with all of my people who are on the hospital project and guiding them through and my day ends here in the hospital with Max and no matter how much tired I am he still makes me feel better while Blake has been such a blessing, he stays here during the day with Maximus and all of what they do during the day is broadcasted by my little radio boy at night.

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