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After a bath, I put him back to sleep in my room and that left me with lots and lots to think about, walking back downstairs I saw my brother sitting there on couch with his wife Jade beside, "Hey there Scarlett" Jade acknowledged me to which I smiled and murmured a small 'Hello' which made her look at George who just shrugged, with a slap on his back Jade stood up and walked her way towards me "What is it, Scar??" She asked now concerned about me, "It's...nothing" I said walking across the room and towards the kitchen.

"Don't you dare say that to me, I know you Scar, although I can't read your mind like your brother but I can read your eyes, there's something that's bothering you, tell me what is it ?" She asked with a frown up on her face, Jade Carpenter, my best friend and now my stupid brother's wife, even I think how did George get so lucky in order to have a wife like her, she is so sharp while my brother is a good definition of dumb, we were friends even before my brother started to have feelings for Jade and then he proposed her while the rest is history.

I was hesitant about it first but then she is my friend and also family, It took me a lot to tell her everything, I started from the very beginning and continued with whatever happened the previous night, she was patient enough to listen through all of that, after when I had all my cards revealed infront of her, my heart started to feel a bit lighter than before.

And she was about to say something when we got interrupted by someone shouting and that did made my heart beat faster as I thought it was Maximus which made me rush out of the kitchen with Jade hot on my heels, once we were in the living room we saw Maximus Zander and George Cason fighting, punches were being thrown by each side landing on face or on chest.

"Boys...what is going on here ??" Jade tried to ask but it went unheard by the duo, I had to break them apart and trust me it wasn't a good choice because one of there punches landed straight up on my face and I was pretty sure it would leave a bad bruise, that was it "That's enough, Maximus, in your room, Now. I will join you shortly" I instructed to which he looked my way "In my defense, he started it first, he came up in the room and was being weird with smelling me like a dog...." And I interrupted, "I don't want any of that, go back upstairs Max, I will be there in a...." It was now my time to be cut short, "Off course, after all he is your brother and so whatever he says will go around....!!!!" And that said he was out of my house in a breath, I did follow him out but he was nowhere to be seen, this isn't good he is hurt and I am very sure he won't go back to his house and after all of what happened back in his office that's out of the list as well.

Should I follow him ? But where, he is gone already... damn his speed, while he isn't in his proper state of mind and besides that where will he go ? I was so engaged with the thoughts inside my head that I didn't realize that I have a company waiting.

Walking back inside my house, my eyes met Jade's and she a questioning look, "He is gone" I murmured with a sigh, "Mind explaining what all of that was about dear brother..!!" I said with a hint of annoyance in my tone, I was trying to be calm as much as possible, "I am just making sure that you are safe Sister, I don't trust him...you have been through a lot and I don't want him to add up, his life is a mess, his past was and now the present, he is not an ordinary person..." And that got my attention as I interrupted him "What do you mean ??" I questioned to which he laughed "Look at you, sister mine, the queen of our world but has no clue who Maximus Zander is, let me enlighten you then, Maximus Zander is next in line to the Quinton Throne..." He said eyeing me and that sparked something inside me, "No no no no no, that's not possible...he he can't be...." I was cut short by George, "Oh shut up Scarlett, you denying that won't change the truth, stop being an emotional fool!! See, what the human world did to you, making you all wishy washy, I so hate humans...!!" His tone was irritating me by now.

Just because he could be right and using that he was trying to dominate me, while I was the one who should be in control of the shit but right now I wasn't in the position to fight him, maybe he is right the human world did affect me, "anyways you have no other option than to agree with the fact that Maximus Zander is the son of King Rylan Quinton, who killed our mother" it was out, the same words which were in my head and I was dreading to hear them from George, how did I not know about this.

After this I have no clue where to go, the thought of using Maximus as a bait to reach out for his father and kill him, the idea itself was so alluring but then an image made me go weak by all means, his eyes which held so much trust in me, for the first time I saw tears in those warm pool, he is innocent, his father killed my mother, why should I drag him in between all of these.

Memories from past started playing in my head...

We were surrounded by a group of men, "Mother, who are they ?" I asked eyeing them all, "Visitors, my dear" she said looking down at me with a smile and after that everything went black, it's after five days when I woke up just to know that my mother was killed, she was my world.

To be continued...

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