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This is something I thought of when I was drunk as fuck and on bed imagining how my future husband would be like.




It was this evening I was returning home all tired and exhausted as usual, Parking my car inside I took my belongings from the back seat and hurried my way inside the house since the air was chilly but bearable indeed. 

Putting my stuff down on the couch I followed the smell inside the kitchen and there he was preparing dinner. His back was facing me as he removed the roasting pan from the oven, placing it down on the kitchen platform his eyes landed up on me and as usual I could see the ocean in them oozing with love for me and It kind off made me wonder, how did I get so lucky with a man like him. Tilting his head which I found him do quite often when he was trying to study me I guess, he walked around the platform reaching for my hand and pulling me closer into a kiss and he lead me into a turn while I giggled as I followed his lead swiftly.

"How did I end up having such a beautiful wife ?" he said kissing my cheek.

"I can ask that same question you know, how did I end up having such a handsome and loving husband ?" to which he laughed out loud giving my stomach butterflies to settle. 

"I think the flirting can wait, I am starving" he said getting back to the chicken he just pulled out of the oven. Pulling a knife out of its stand he started to slice the chicken and soon enough the aroma was everywhere in the house.

"Babe you should go and freshen up while I prepare the dining table" he proposed.

"Okay, I will be down in few minutes" that said I walked my way out of the kitchen and grabbing my stuff from the couch I made my way up to our bedroom. Entering the bedroom a strong ocean breeze cherished my face as I took in deep breath letting in the freshness of the ocean.

After taking a long relaxing shower I put on something comfortable and giving myself one last look in the mirror I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs where I found my husband waiting for me, he guided me out in the backyard which overlooked the ocean, It gets really pretty out here at this time of the day. 

He looked at me "there's this one thing I wanna tell you" he said which made me look at him with concern.

"What is it ??" I asked trying to read his face for a while at which I could see myself failing miserably, all I could register was his expressions which were serious.

"You are scaring me now, what is it ??" I asked him again.

"We are out of white burgundy" he said making me give him a light shove to which he laughed pointing his index at me.

"Whatever" muttering that I walked past him and towards the dining table which was beautifully arranged by him.

"Alright alright, I apologize for the stunt" he said still trying to contain his laughter, it wasn't even that funny!!

"Can we eat already ??" I asked him with a hint of disappointment in my tone.

"Hey hey heyyyy, babe I am sorry" expressing himself he pulled me in for a hug. 

Hugging him back I took in his familiar scent of cologne. We have grown so much together not as two different people but as one in each other. 

It was all perfect, the night sky, the fireflies and the ocean it all felt so surreal, this is perfect. After having our dinner we were dancing to an instrumental romantic song.

"Why is it that in your arms I find freedom to express myself, Why is it that I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with you and for a reason unknown I have learned to put them into words when I am around you, what exactly is it that makes me feel free when I am with you, why am I so comfortable sharing my personal space with you, it is as if I found the missing pieces of my soul in the depth of your eyes" I said pulling myself away from him. (This is how Sun in Pisces, Moon in Capricorn and Aquarius rising act when in love, I guess we look for someone who will help free us from our own restraints we have casted)




Just a weird dream I had last night when I was hammered....I think I will probably have a story around this. Let me know what you think of it.

Please know that I am trying my best to try and give you guys content to read and I soon will be posting chapters for this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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