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Everybody finally finished getting ready. They chose to just go to the pool here which is fine with me.

"I honestly didn't think you had a pool here." Kd said as we walked down the hall. "This big ass mansion and you didn't think I had a pool. Boy there's two pools here. A indoor and outdoor. There's even a gym and shooting range in here." I said and they all looked at me crazy. "What there's over fifty people that live here." I said and they shrugged. "Isn't this the way to the nurse house." Ben stayed and I nodded. "Yeah the pool house is a little further down the path." I said walking out the house. "Damn it's hot as hell down here and you still as pale as drywall. Lookin like raven from teen titans go." Kd said and I smacked my teeth while erybody laughed.

"Yo dumbo lookin ass got a nerve. Yo ol mike N Ike head ass. Banana head ass minka the monkey lookin ass." I said and erybody started to laugh while he mugged me. We walked passed the garden and up to the pool house. I opened the door and we walked straight through to the back door and out to the pool in the back yard.

I walked over to the chair and sat down before pulling my shirt off. The boys just threw they shit wherever before running and jumping into the pool. The girls came and sat by me and Jay waited for me so I can get in with him.

"You gotcho life vest?" I ask and he nodded holding it up. I slid it on him before strapping it up. I walked over to the pool holding his hand before I sat down with my legs in the water. I grabbed Jay and slowly put him in because the water was jhi cold. "Cmon Kayla you actin scared!" Ben yelled and I smacked my teeth. "Lemme the hell alone." I said and he laughed walking over. He grabbed my legs and before I realized it I was under water. I heard them laughing so I grabbed his legs and pulled them making him fall underwater. I pushed him further down before coming up. He came up a second later and smudged me. I laughed going over to Jay who was on his back just floating. I pushed him and he was acting like a fish outta water making me laugh. "Can I get on you back?" Jay asked making me laugh and nod.

We played for like 20 minutes before I left him wit the boys and Chasity cause she was the only one in the water. I walked over to my chair and sat down grabbing my phone. I saw '3missed calls from 1st ♥️' I called him back and he answered first ring.

"Where are you?" He asked and I laughed. "We all at the pool. Dress appropriately then text me when you on your way to the back door." I said and heard him hum. "Aight." He said before I hung up.

After like five minutes I got the text and I stood up. "Ima be right back." I said to Nie and Ken and they nodded. I walked out and went to the house walking straight to the front door and out. I walked down the path and saw him standing at the door. When he saw me he walked up to me licking his lips.

"So I gotta have a shirt on but you can walk around like this?" He asked putting his arms around my waist and I looked up at him. I flashed him a smile and laughed. He pulled me closer against him and kissed my lips.

We made out for a good 3minutes before I pulled away and his grip tightened on my ass. "Let go." I said pushing him but he ain't budge. "Nahh cause you wanna walk around ass out, titties out so I gotta leave a nice lil mark up thea so folks dont try to play wit My shit." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Lemme goooo. Pleasee." I whined pouting at him and he grunted looking down at me. He smacked his teeth before letting me go and I rubbed my ass making him laugh. "Tryna bruise me up and shit." I mumbled and he stepped up to me. "Whatchu say?" He asked and I looked up at him. "Nun." I said and he laughed. I smack my teeth before grabbing his hand and I pulled him towards the pool house.

We walked through to the back and walked out. I let him go and walked over to the chairs. I sat down at the edge of the chair and grabbed my phone. Kentrell sat behind me and pulled me up against him. "Baby when your court date?" I ask looking back at him. "I think the thirtieth." He said and I hummed.

Ken and Ben go back to school the 26th their leaving here the 22nd. The day after their gone I'm going out to North Dakota and I'll get Caspian back.

Once he's back I'll be able to step down and go back to Baton Rouge.

"Aye Chasity when you and Boomer start datin?" I ask and she choked on her soda. "Girl me and him don't date. I'm wit Camari and he go out wit a lil caramel girl." She said and I hummed nodding.

Now that makes since.

"Jaden!" I called for him and he came towards me before climbing out the pool and walking up. "You wanna go back wit Nie and them so you can go to school and stuff?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I don't wanna leave you." He said and I laughed. "Your not leaving me. We'll only be apart for a little while maybe a week. Then I'll be able to move back to Baton Rouge and live with y'all again." I said and Kentrell looked up at me. "Otay!" Jayden said smiling before running back into the pool.

"Bae." Kentrell said and I looked back at him. "What will you be doing in that week?" He asked and I turned facing him criss cross applesauce. "So as you know Me and Jay got different fathers right." I said and he nodded. "I have a brother who should be coming back from England today his name is Timéro he's my full brother." I said and he nodded. "The same one you were talking about at the cafe when you got shot?" He asked and I nodded remembering. "Yes he's my younger brother just turned seventeen in June. Anyways though. I have a half sister here her names angel. She turns eleven December twenty ninth." I said and he nodded. "Three days after you left." He said and I nodded. Yes y'all I left the day after Christmas.

"Okay so did you see the big painting on the wall that we had taken down to show the door to the hidden tunnels?" I ask and he nods.

Homegirl .2 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now