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I watched her fight against the man. Her moves were wild and unpredictable. He said something to her before she struck him and he hit her making her stumble back. Somehow her sword went flying into the ceiling and before I could blink he had his sword inside her. Skewering her and we all yelled out. We ran in as he dropped her body and Kentrell dropped to his knees and grabbed her holding her to his chest.

Her soldiers slid their masks off and got on one knee with their heads hung low.

I dropped down beside her and looked at Yb. He had tears coming down his face as he held her close to him.

"She told me that if she was to die during this mission to inject her with this." I said pulling the box out and I took the needle out. He laid her head on his lap and I moved her hair from her neck. "Let's pray this works." I say lowly before sticking it in her neck and injecting her.

Her body started to turn red like when she blushes and sweat covered her face. I grabbed her hand and her skin burned like fire. I endured it as I held her hand tightly. I watched her stomach intently and saw her gash knit together and it left a scar. She squeezed my hand and her skin seemed to cool before her eyes snapped open and she set up.

"Kayla?" I say and she looks at me. Her pupils dilate and her eyes looked to change color but I couldn't see. She laughed and we all tackled her into a hug. "Don't fuckin scare me like det." Ben said hitting her arm lightly and she sighed. We all pulled away and she stood up. She looked at the ceiling where the sword was. "Help me get that." She said pointing to the sword. Kentrell picked her up by her thighs and she grabbed the sword before pulling it out like it was the easiest thing ever.

Her expression was blank as she looked down at the sword in her hands. She mumbled something to the lines of. "I'm going to kill him."

She turned and looked out the big whole and I took a good look at her eyes. Her eyes were a dark blue like color. Worst thing is tho that they looked blank.

Like emotionless and lifeless.

As she walked outside her hair caught my attention and I looked at it to see her ends were a Snow White. How?

She looked around before taking a long inhale. She snapped her head to the left of her. She started running that way and we all followed behind her. She turned to the backyard and somehow Jumped over the long white fence. That shit was taller then me!

"This bitch turned into a fucking vampire." Kd said and we all laughed. I heard the sound of a... Horse?

Then the gate fell down a little further behind and a horse trotted through. We all looked at it in amazement and confusion. It was a pretty all black horse. Then here come Kayla ass walking out. She jumped on top of the horse and it had NO saddle.

We all ran up to her. "Do ya even know how to ride a horse?" Ben asked and she looked at him with that same Blank lifeless expression. "Keep Jaden safe. Go back to the main house. I'll be back by midnight." She said looking directly at me and I nodded. "Let's Go." I said and we all turned and went back to that place.

I took Jaden and inhaled a sharp breath.

[A/I Shes speaking in Spanish to the men in the gang.]

"GO BACK TO THE MAIN HOUSE AND BURN EVERYTHING LEFT HERE!" I said and them men all looked at me in confusion. "We only Listen to the commands of a blood leader." One of the men said and I huffed. "YOU HEARD HER! NOW FOLLOW HER COMMAND OR GET BURNED WITH THE HOUSE!" Jaycen said removing his mask holding a extremely irritated and angry facial.

They immediately started going back down the hall placing trigger bombs on the wall we followed behind Them and I looked down at Jay. There was scars and stuff on his face that were healing just as Kayla's did.

Kayla ♥️

I sighed looking down at Kentrell. "Your leaving me again." He said his voice cracking and I sighed. I grabbed his face and leaned down kissed him. I swea I missed his lips SO much.

He grabbed my neck and I pulled back looking at him. "I promise that I'll come back to you. I'll always come back to you." I said and he pulled my lips back on his. "Ian Neva gon be able to love anybody like you so don't push me away." He said and I nodded. "Keep yo promise Kayla." He said and I nodded. "Seeya at the house." I said before whipping the rains making my new horse run off.

I followed Amons thick scent on the horse. This was the last horse left because it was untrained. Clearly.

The sun was setting and I smiled as I saw their horses. "Catch them." I said and the horse for some reason went around them and I knew exactly what she was about to do. She stopped directly in front of them scaring the horses and the lifted up making the men fall.

I smirked at him as his face went to horror. "I-I Killed you." He said and I nodded. "Your right. You did." I said as I swung my sword killing the other two men who charged at me.

Their blood splashed on me as their bodies split in half. I licked my lips before looking down at him. I felt hatred fuel my body and I held my sword at him. "You will Atone for your sins and die going to hell and relive your days watching me kill your wife over and over in a never ending spiral in pain." I said as pictures of him screaming when I sent a sword into his wife's chest.

"Now DIE." I said as the sky went dark and I stuck my sword into his throat and he choked before instantly dying. "I wanted you in hell. But I guess not." I said to him as his eyes closed. "In all honesty I hoped we could've worked things out but you messed with people I love." I said to his lifeless body before I pulled my sword out. "And for that you'll pay with your soul." I said before stepping on his neck crushing his bone before I kicked his head sending it flying off into the distance.

I felt a surge of energy fly through me and I smiled. I looked up at the sky and I knew I was hallucinating when I thought I saw my Father and Granny looking down at me but then they disappeared.

I walked over to the black stallion and hopped on him. I whipped his reigns and pulled him to the direction of my main house.

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