After the last bit of liquid fell, she threw the
plastic container over the white painted oak rails
and watched it land into the front yard. She grabbed the pack of matches out of her back pocket and snatched three, dragging the matches over the rough line, instantly setting them ablaze.

In her mind and her heart what she was about
to do was justifiable. Her eyes looked between the three fiery matches and the front porch, and without another thought, she threw them.

Abhaya's body rose from the hotel bed she currently resided in like a creature from the living dead.

Her eyes shot open to be met with the darkness of
the night as her heart almost stopped beating from what she deemed as a nightmare.

"Not again," She mumbled.

For three days straight, she had been dreaming
such eerie dreams that it was starting to make her lose sleep. She didn't understand where they were coming from and why they weren't lucid. It was like a mystery.

A haunting mystery. Abhaya turned her head
towards the left to check the clock that sat against
the nightstand. Red glowing numbers of 12:30 were
on display as she lowered her eyes into a squint to make sense of the tiny numerics.

Abhaya decided to go outside her hotel room and
get some much-needed fresh air with a tired sigh.

She successfully managed to put on some shoes
in the dark and silently tiptoed out of her room so
she wouldn't wake Angel out of her sleep.

She softly closed the door behind her and began to walk towards the end of the stairwell with her head low as her eyes watched the movement of her feet.

As she walked past Ricky's and Michael's hotel
room which was on the same floor as hers and Angel's; Thoughts of Michael began to flood her mind.

Some of the thoughts made her smile, like when Michael got gum stuck inside of his hair when they were younger, and he almost cried because he thought he would have to cut a chunk of his hair out.

After a few happy thoughts came and gone, the sad ones suddenly appeared. She started to think about
the time her dog died. Michael snuck her inside of his room that night, and he hugged her for hours as she cried and cried about blue, her late dog.

Abhaya thought about more sad memories until it led to her ending whatever she felt she had with Michael.

God knows how much she didn't want to say those words, but her mind told her too, so she did.

And though her mind said those words, her heart waited for Michael to go against that. To fight for her, to end things with the other woman, but he didn't, and that was probably the saddest memory she had.

"Giving upon us? Fine." That was all Michael said before he left out the van. The two haven't said a single word to each other since that day, which was three days ago. Abhaya didn't understand Michael, or better yet, she didn't take notice of his negative traits until she fell for him. How could Michael be so cold? Like he isn't the one breaking my heart continuously.

Abhaya was so engulfed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the footsteps that belonged to Ricky trailing behind her. Ricky, being Ricky, decided to sneak up on her and whisper boo, making Abhaya almost fall down a flight of steps from being startled.

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