"Don't care but you're insisting now to know their place."

"Yeah because I want to protect them."

"And why will I trust you?"

"Because I know who your boss is and what they want. All you need to tell me about is the place. I can protect your boss, the job you failed to do."

The man's grip on his knife hidden behind him tightened. Before Kongpob had come in, the man was already awake, he already ripped the rope apart and he pretended to sleep. Now, he just needed to distract Kongpob and stab him before the guy did.

"Okay, so, let's say I give you the place where my boss is. How are you going to protect them?"

"Take them somewhere, probably in my place."

The man scoffed. "Everyone knows where you live. Even I know where you live, you're not very hard to follow Suthilak."

"I know. I wasn't keeping that a secret anyway. But do you know where I keep people like you?" Kongpob smirked. "I know you know my past," Kongpob slightly pressed the knife on the man's cheek until his blood trickled on the knife to the floor. "Why do you think the authorities can't find strong evidence to put me in jail?"

After a long silence and deliberation from the man's part, the man nodded. "Okay. I'll tell you. Get a paper."

Kongpob smiled and when he turned his back, the man quickly stood up and raised his knife, aiming for Kongpob's neck, however, being a skilled fighter, Kongpob was quick to hit the man with his elbow. The man passed out but not before giving Kongpob a stab on his shoulder.

Kongpob kicked the man and caressed his stabbed shoulder, now his clothes and hands were stained with his own blood. "Damn. This is why I don't trust anyone," Kongpob cringed in pain when he touched his shoulder. "Ugh shit, that hurts."


When his friends got back from school, they opened the door to see what the guy they had for more than 2 weeks was up to, to observe if he had hinted anything to lead to his boss, like what Kongpob had told them to. But they got the surprise of their lives when they opened the door and saw that there was only Kongpob, the guy was nowhere to be found. Hands and clothes stained with blood. There was a knife in his hand, fresh blood still trickling from the knife's cutting edge.

Wad was the first one to be pulled from his stupor when a drop of blood hit the floor, with a shaking voice, he asked, "Kong, what did you do?"

Kongpob only uttered, "Sorry. I lost my control."

"Where is he?" Wad shook Kongpob when the guy continued staring at the floor. "Kong, now that we're not working for Decha anymore, you can't control the law. You're going to jail for this."

"Don't worry Wad. I already burned his body. There's no way someone would still find him," Kongpob smirked at Tew's way. "Right, Tew? If someone burned the body, no one would find it. No one."

Tew turned his eyes away.


"I can't believe we're doing this shit," Aim huffed and put down the passed out man's feet to rest for a while. "Why did I even help you out?" Kongpob kicked Aim to make him stand up again. Aim pouted.

"Because you're my brother, now stop whining like a pussy and help me out here. This shit weighs a ton. Damn fucker."

"Why can't we just tell this to our friends so they can help us out?"

The President Domination • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now