Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Stanley stood outside my house. I walked up to him and met He smiled at me. "You're a good person, even when he's not around. He wanted to kick me to the curb. You had faith in me. I'm very grateful for that." He always seemed to see the best in people.

 "I make mistakes." I said.

 "You're human. It's okay to make mistakes."

 "My sister was wrong. It's almost never better to be alone." I felt like that before, but it's not. It's so much better with people around.

 "You sound as you've believed her before." He pointed out.

 "I did. When I fought with her, I did something horrible. After, I just wanted to be alone. I felt horrible."

 "Whatever it was you did, it's not you. You've just made a mistake. One little mistake shouldn't make you a bad person."

 I smiled at him. "You're really easy to talk too."

 "Thank you."

 "You're a good friend, Stanley."

 "So are you." He replied. "So, was I right about you loving Leo?"

 I shrugged. "You were."

 "Am I invited to the wedding?" He teased. I punched his shoulder.

 "Shut up. Promise me you won't tell him."

 "You don't want him to know?" He raised his eyebrows.

 "I do. Just not now. I'll wait until things have settled down."

 "I hope that's soon."

 "Me too." I stood up and went to the kitchen. Stanley followed. "You want some food?"

 "What do you have?" I looked in the cabinet. There was a package of cookies on the shelf. I picked them up and threw them to Stanley. He opened the box.

 "How's Leo?" He asked. His eyes were full of sympathy.

 "He's fine. He wants to get out of there."

 "We'll get him out. We just need to figure out a plan." He put his hand on my arm. I smiled at him.

 "When I was talking to Leo, he told me about what happened between you two." I informed him. He nodded.

 "I didn't send in that tip. Someone else must have and used my name to get me in trouble with you guys."

 "Someone like Tiffany." I concluded. She probably wanted to start trouble.

 "What happened with you two, anyway?" He pushed a cookie in his mouth.

 "I couldn't kill her."

 "I knew you were a better person than she was."

 "I'm not so sure anymore."

 "What happened between you?" He asked in a very serious voice.

 "When we were fighting, she threatened someone I love and I lost it." He seemed to understand and nodded.



 "I promise you that I'll do anything to help you protect Leo. She won't get away with this." He ate another cookie.

 "Thank you, but why?"

 "I think you as a friend and Leo...well we could be friends one day." He closed the box and put them down.

 "I hope so."

 He started for the door. "I better get going." We said goodbye and he left. After he did, I went to my room to wait for Tiffany to get home.

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