Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A few days later, Leo got out of jail. We went back to my house where my mom made some food for him. She smiled warmly at him and served him a huge proportion. He ate like he hadn't eaten in days.

"It must be nice having real food again." I said and he nodded, taking another bite. We heard footsteps and turned around. Tiffany appeared in the kitchen doorway. Once he saw her, Leo stopped eating and stood.

"Relax. I'm a friend now." She smiled at him. Not a friendly smile, but more of a teasing smile. "Chelsey and I have decided to join forces."

"What is she talking about?" Leo asked.

"She doesn't have any magic and she wants to help me break the curse." I explained.

"Shouldn't she do more than just help. It's her curse too." The smile on Tiffany's face became more teasing. Her eyes were on me, waiting for me to answer. When I didn't, she turned to Leo.

"Sorry to be the one to tell you, doggie, but since I have no magic, the curse has no interest in me. I have nothing t worry about. It's Chelsey's curse now." Leo eyes moved to me.

"The curse is going to kill you."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I tried to meet his gaze, but he looked away.

"When you took her magic, did you know that would happen?"

"I just wanted to stop her. I didn't care what it took." He shook his head.

"And you didn't think about all the people you would hurt?" His voice shook.

"I wanted to stop her from hurting the I care about." I said defensively.

"Don't worry." Tiffany broke in. "We're going to break the curse. Chelsey will be okay."

"How are you planning to break it?"

"With a little magic, of course." Tiffany made it sound so simple, but it would be much harder than that.

"I doubt I can break a curse." I stated.

"You stole my magic and you didn't even know what you were doing."

"Yes, but that's different. Breaking a curse is impossible."

"It's not impossible. It just requires a lot of knowledge and power." She handed me a spell book. "We'll start tomorrow." With that, she left the room. She gave us a wink as she left.

"I can't lose you, Chels." Leo whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere. You heard Tiffany. We're breaking the curse."

"You trust her? What if she's tricking you into giving you her magic back?"

"I wouldn't even know how to do that. She doesn't have any magic. She can't do anything."

"Chelsey, you're not seriously falling for that?"

"Falling for what?"

"She doesn't need magic to hurt you." He pointed out.

"I can protect myself. She won't hurt me." I didn't quite believe that. If Tiffany wanted to hurt me, she'd find a way.

Leo shook his head. "I'll find another way." He grabbed his things.

"Where are you going?" I demanded.

"I'm not going to let her hurt you. I'll find a way myself." He opened the door and stepped outside.

"Leo, wait." He ignored me and walked into the night, leaving me standing in the kitchen. I turned around to see Tiffany leaning against the kitchen door.

"Stupid boy." She whispered. "He can't do a single thing by himself. I wonder where he thinks he can go for answers." Leo was determined and smart. He'd find something. I looked up at Tiffany and saw her expression was curious, but not worried. I wondered what it'd be like when he surprised her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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