Chosen family

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Lili POV

Me and Cole are packing up, our flight to Vancouver is in 5 hours, though I know how big are airports and I always get lost in them so we're leaving the hotel before everyone.

Cole: I don't think we should go to Vancouver with the others..
Lili: Don't be silly, we have set
Cole: Still
Lili: Where else would we go if we dont go to Vancouver, huh?
Cole: Tess.
Lili: Cole, Tess is not a place..
Cole: Yes..but, Cleveland is!!!

He takes out of his jacket two airplane tickets with Cleveland written on it. OMG!!! I can't believe he'd actually do it!!! I'm going to see my sister !!

Lili: Why? How??
Cole: Mads told me you were feeling down because you missed your little sister so I booked us a flight to Cleveland.
Lili: God I love youuu!!!
Cole: I love you, too angel
Lili: Wait a minute!!! What we gonna do?? We have to work, we cant just skip set like that!!
Cole: Yes we can I asked Roberto the permission!!
Lili: You..are the best.

Then we went to the airport. CLEVELAND HERE WE COME!

Mads POV, 6 hours later

I think Cole is taking Lili to Cleveland. I told him Lili wanted to go there to see Tess, and everyone know how whipped he is so he obviously booked them a flight.

Cami: Where are Cole and Lili, we're boarding in 30 minutes!!!
Roberto: Cole and Lili won't come with us today..they have one more day off
Kj: Thank god!!
Casey: But what are they doing ???
Roberto: Ask them yourself, they'll tell you if they want to.
Mads: I'm texting Lili.

Casey: SoooooMads: So they're in ClevelandKj: As long as they don't ask me to do everything they wantCami: Why tf are they in Cleveland??Mads: Lili missed her sis so Cole brought her there

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Casey: Sooooo
Mads: So they're in Cleveland
Kj: As long as they don't ask me to do everything they want
Cami: Why tf are they in Cleveland??
Mads: Lili missed her sis so Cole brought her there.
Casey: Can this man be any more whipped?
Kj: def not!!

Then, we got on the plane and boarded. I'm already tired of work and we're not even on set yet :/

Cole POV

Lili and I are standing on the front porch of her childhood house, not knowing if we should ring the doorbell or not.
We haven't heard of Amy since we reported her to the cops and We have no idea where she is. Maybe she's home. Maybe she's in jail. Who knows?

Lili: *breath out* Okay, I'm ringing the doorbell..
Cole: Wait !! Are you sure you wanna do this??
Lili: Positive. Tess is in there and I'd do anything to hold her right now.
Cole: Alrighty then..

She rings the doorbell and Tess comes to open the door " Lil-" she starts but is cut off by Lili hugging her.

Lili: TESS
Tess: What are you doing here??
Lili: I just missed you so much
Tess: And Cole what are you doing here?
Cole: I could not let my girlfriend go to Cleveland alone!!!
Tess: Excuse me, what'd you just say? YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!?1!1!
Lili: You heard well tessa, im his girlfriend. He's my boyfriend.
Cole: Yes I am.
Tess: Why'd you never tell me??
Lili: I wanted to say it in person. And you know, we've been dating for over a year now so that's not new.
Tess: Well, last time I've seen you was two years ago so that's normal :)
Lili:  Anyway, where's Amy?
Tess: She left us. She's living with aunt Sarah, now.

Then we all went for a walk which ended up going at my former house aka Dylan's place.

Dylan POV

Living alone is booooring af. All i do since Cole AND Lili left is play video games -alone-, eat, sleep, play video games, eat sleep again and again.
When Lili and Cole were there it was so much better. I miss Cole. Wow, never thought I'd say that one day but yeah, I miss him. Maybe I should go visit him more often. Vancouver's like 2hours away from Cleveland in plane.
I get up from the couch to go take my laptop and book a flight when the doorbell rings. I didn't invite anyone today, did I?
I go get the door anyway, to find just who I wanted to see behind it. Cole, Lili and her little sister, Tess.

"Hey brother" Cole says hugging me.
"Hi, what are you doing here?" I reply pulling away
"Lili and I were just passing by. She missed her sister and I simply thought it'd be nice if I'd give my twin a little visit.." He says getting in and I follow him.

"Well, Hello to you, too Dylan" both Reinhart sisters say in sync

Dylan: Oh, hey! Want anything to drink?
Lili: We'll pass. Why don't we go out instead of just talking in your living room?
Tess:  Where do you want to go, Lil'?
Lili: We can go to the theater..uhm NO! We would just sit silently waiting for the movie to come to an end..and that's boring
Cole: Not the theater then
Lili: I KNOW!!! We should go ride some rides, it's been a long time since i last did that.
Dylan: Then, let's g-
Lili: NO!! It's too dangerous i can't do that...uhm..I KNOW!!
Tess: Lili I swear to god if you change your mind again..
Lili: No no no, I really know now. I'm sure!!
Dylan: What is it?
Lili: Why don't we go take some cooking lessons!!!

Well, I did not expect that..
I'm lit rally the worst cook ever. I tried to bake a cake once but it ended up burnt and half of the the dough were all over the kitchen but oh well.

We went there anyway. To take cooking lessons. Yay.

Cole POV- at the cooking lesson

I'm so happy Lili chose that activity, I'm going to blow her mind with my cooking skills. I've always liked cooking even if I don't get to do it often, when I lived with my dad and my step mom, Chrissy she would usually teach some recipe given she's a professional cook and runs two restaurants. (an/ it's not real idk what's Chrissy's job irl)

We all go in a big room, led by our teacher for the following hour.

"Hi guys, I'm Jenny. And I'm going to be teaching you how to bake a strawberry pie" she introduces herself.
"Since you're four, we will make two teams of two" she adds

I team up with Lili, and Dylan with Tess. Jenny explains us how to make the dough for the lower part of the pie. Dylan obviously fails and Jenny has to help him whilst me and Lili are almost done.

Cole: Hey, Jenny just left. Do you wanna do something fun?
Lili: Uhmm if it involves a food fight then YES!!

See this is why I love this woman.
We go to the big fridge that is in the corner of the room to go get eggs and flour and we tiptoe to Dylan and Tess' table to surprise them from behind their back. We broke two eggs on their head and then runs to the other end of the room. Just like kids. Dylan just screams like a little girl whilst Tess fights back and pour flour all over Lili and I. It's delirious.

We were soon all fighting with everything we would find to throw at eachother (that were mainly food) when Jenny storms in. Uh Oh.

Jenny: What- WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING??!?!1!
Cole: I'm sorry Jenny it was my idea i shouldn't ha-
Lili: No no it was mine. It's all my fault I-

We then ran out the door cover by the dirt we made laughing histarically. This was definitely not how I thought the cooking lessons would go, this was way better.

Spending time with my family and chosen family😊.

an/ this is the longest part I've ever written oof. It took my two days :)
(1388 words and my parts usually take 700-800 words)

Complicated-A Sprousehart storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang