Comic Con

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Lili POV

Waking in my the man I love arms. Such a lovely feeling. You feel the warmth of his embrace keeping you safe. You can hear his soft snores, relax to his regular face. But unfortunately, when you're working, all this morning fannecy stops when your boyfriend's alarm goes off.

*alarm goes off*

Cole: Morning, angel.
Lili: Morning
Cole: How many time do we have left till the 1st interviews
Lili: Uhm..1hour. We need to hurry up, if we don't wanna be late.
Cole: Go shower while I make you breakfast.

I did as he requested and ate my breakfast as Cole was showering. Then we headed out to Comic Con

Casey POV

All the cast has made it to Comic Con and we're now in the 1st interview.
We don't know that much about season 2 but I'll try not to spoil the fans.

Reporter: Welcome to Comic Con!
Rvd cast: Thank you.
Reporter: So, Let's start with Cole. Do you know if Jughead will be part of the South Side Serpents or do you want him to apart of this gang?
Cole: I definitely want to see Jughead as a gang member. I mean, it'd be kinda funny to turn him into a badass character instead of the sad, emo boy of the show.

And the interview goes by.

We did lots of interviews from 9am till 4pm then we all went back to our hotel room to get ready for tonight. I know it's really early for getting ready but girl usually take 3 or 4hours to get ready for these kinda parties so oh well.

Mads POV, 8pm

All the girls gathered up in Cami's and I's room so we can all get ready together.
As I change the music to some Ariana Grande song that's been stuck in my head (lol im listening to "in my head) Lili goes out of the bathroom, ready.

Lili: WHAT?! Do I have something on my face, or in my hair?
Ashleigh: No you're just-
Cami: breathtaking. Men out there are gonna hit on you.
Lili: No, they won't. Moreover, I don't think Cole would ever let them talk to me. *chuckles* I mean, he's so protective over me!

We all stayed silent for a short 10 sec before Lili broke the silence.

Lili: Is it bad?? That he's so protective over me??
Cami: No, not at all!! I mean you've been through a lot with your mother and all. It's normal for him to look after you.
Lili: Okay..thank you Cami.
SO Are you guys ready?
Ashleigh: I am.
Cami&Mads: Me too
Lili: Well lets go!!

Then we headed straight to our van and drove to the party where were looking forward to find the boys at. Camila is laughing at some inside jokes with Ashleigh whilst Lili and I are on our phone texting.

Mads: Who are you texting Lil?
Lili: Oh just my sister, Tess. I havent seen her since last time i was in Cleveland so I really miss her. I just wish I could hold her right now.
Mads: Awh Lils it's gonna be okay Im sure you'll see her soon.
Lili: I hope so. What about you who are you texting?
Mads: Travis!! He's in San Diego and I finally get to see him!! I cant wait!!
Lili: Well, i cant wait either. You guys are literally so cute and im so exited to see u guys reunited!!
Mads: Thank you. You know, We really need to hang out more. Like just the two of us without Cami. Dont get me wrong i love her its just-
Lili: Yeah I get it. Its not the same when Cami's with us. I agree with you.

We spend the rest of the ride talking all together and basically having fun.

Cole POV

I did a bad thing. And I know I'm sooo gonna regret it.
So, idk why Kj challenged me to get more drunk than him. Like the one that get the less drunk tonight have to do whatever the other one want for one week. And I know that when Im drunk Im unstopable like i can do anything with ANYONE. But I really dont want to be Kj's slave, god knows what kind of crazy thing he'd ask me to do so i'll get drunk with him. Staying careful of my doings still.
As the girls enter the "club" I go straight to Lili not paying attention to the other girls.
"Lili" I say under my breath

Lili: Hey Cole. Are you okay?
Cole: For now, yes. But not for long.
Lili: What? Why?
Cole: kj and i made a kind of deal and im supposed to get superr drunk. More drunk than him, or I'll do anything he wants for ONE FUCKING WEEK. So I need your help to watch me so I dont do anything I'd regret afterwards. And Im really you have to watch after me instead of having fun.
Lili: No it's okay as long as you're me.
Cole: Thanks a lottt babe.

Lili POV, in the end of the party

Cole is drunk as fuck and he's literally acting like a 8 years old. Also Im soooo mad at kj cuz he's barely drunk anything so Cole got drunk for nothing. Im trying to get Cole in the van because i could no longer stand his rough kisses on my neck. In public...

The whole car ride is a makeout session. THE WHOLE FUCKING CAR RIDE.( they have a chauffeur) Damn he's horny when he's drunk.

3rd Pov

They enterred the hotel room they were staying in and Cole imediately started kissing Lili again. More rough and pasionate than beforehands. She took his shirt off as his unzipped her dress and let's just stay they had an amazingggg night

An/ is it me or this part is literally so confusing lmao

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