Lili Pauline Reinhart

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Hi. I am Lili Reinhart, a 17 years old girl (turning 18 in a couple weeks).

I live in Cleveland and i was born there. I'm going back to high school tomorow. I hate school.(i mean doesnt everyone)

This place where everyone looks at me like i was an alien or an ogre. This place where all the boys of the football team bully me. This place where my locker is vandalized once a month and the list goes on...

You can tell I do not have many friends. Well, i don't have any and  I never  had . Most certainly because:

1)no one would want to befriend a sad, broken girl
2)i wouldn't really trust anyone who comes to me.

Nonetheless, I still have a place to be peaceful and alone at.
The Blue and Gold office.
The B&G is the shool newspaper, i run it by my own so i don't have to deal with the jerks that bother me.

At home, I live with my sisters: Tess and Chloe. That i love with my whole heart, Chloe is leaving  tomorow for college She's going to Seattle.  I also live with my dad and Amy. Amy is my mother but i wouldn't call her that due to what she makes me go through.
Since now 8 years..

Everything started when i was 10.
My life was peaceful and enjoyable. (cuz i was still an inocent, happy child lol)
Until this night, I had had a nightmare and i had gotten up to drink some water.

And there she was, my dear mother.  Lying down on the kitchen's floor. With about 15 empty bottles of beer. She wasn't drunk, though.

All the beer was running on the  floor, almost touching my feet.

 I remember.. when, Amy stood up and threw me one bottle. Then, two. Then, three and soon there wasnt any bottle left.

I remember looking at my body, covered by my blood.
It was running and running, all over my legs and my arms and my face. I still have a few scars on my stomach, arms and my thighs.

Amy was screaming and shouting at me "It's all your fault, You deserve it"

And from this moment on, I tried to figure out what i've had done or said.

And I still don't know (edit: and wont ever know cuz i forgot this storyline, exept only sprousehart fluff lol)

edit: this story starts really bad so is my english but i promise it is getting better throughout the chapters

Complicated-A Sprousehart storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora