Part 9: Nauseous Plans

Start from the beginning

So they are talking about who looks good with Yuki. Girl one seems to be on both sides, girl two is a hardcore Zero and Yuki person, but girl three is Kaname and Yuki all the way. 

This is like a really bad knock off Twilight thing. Like, jeez people, get a life. I walk past them, and they continued their very philosophical discussion on who should get with Yuki. 

At this point I am so close to telling Yuki to buzz off and get her one of the masses of guys falling for her. 

I get back to class and take a seat. I start trying to write a nice letter back to Anteiku. I really only got to "Dear Anteiku Family," before someone sat a brown paper bag on my desk. 

I look up and see Zero standing there crossing his arms and looking away from me. 

"What is this?" I ask, my voice indifferent as I begin to peak in the bag. I don't know exactly what I was expecting to see, but half a sandwich and an apple wasn't what I was expecting. I look up at him in confusion, waiting for an answer. 

"Tch... I noticed you... you didn't have a lunch so I got you one. This is to repay you for yesterday, I don't like being in debt to someone," He grumbled. 

"Uh, thanks... That's... kinda, sweet," My voice softens at the end, without my permission. 

"Tch," He mumbles and walks back to his seat. 

This would have been a whole lot sweeter if I could actually eat it, but it's the thought that counts. I pretend to eat the half sandwich and my apple. 

By the time I was done, Ms. whatever-her-name-was, came back in and started talking about who knows what, everyone took her word for truth. 

She kinda talked about math and how to do it before she gave us a ten page of math, front and back. I'm handed my death packet and I took one look at it and, I got sad. I started thinking back to when I was human Yoshino and I, well I, would do math homework and she would copy, but we would kinda talk while I worked. I used to be pretty good at math, it wasn't my strongest point, but still. 

I worked through about three pages (front and back) before the bell rang and all the girls rushed off to see their idols and everyone else slowly made their way out. I just start packing up my things I over hear Zero and Yuki talking, I guess they must not have noticed me yet. I slowly sink down to the ground and hide behind my desk and chair, in case they do notice me. 

"That Chi girl gives me... weird vibes," I hear Zero say in a low whisper. 

"What do you mean?" Obliviously, Yuki asked. 

"I mean, she doesn't talk until the day after the Night class get's messed with for the first time. Then, she suddenly takes action when me and Kaname went..." He trails to barely a whisper, "blood thirsty, crazy vampire. And when I was blood crazy, something about her blood was different, like really different," He says, leaning in so no one in the empty classroom could hear. 

"Zero you're putting way too much into this, and the reason her blood smelled so different was because you haven't had blood in a good month or so," She says, putting a hand on his arm. "Now you need to go and help her get that mob of people in check, and drink some blood soon," She says. 

Yuki starts grabbing her bags, struggling to carry them on one arm, and walks out the door. Zero slams his fists down on the table in frustration of not being taken seriously, and begins to gather his things and leave. 

I grab my things and fully sprint to my dorm, grab my clothes and a plain white face mask (full face mask), shove them into a bag. I run the bag to the side of the wall and set them down but suddenly a wave of dizziness came over me. It gets so bad I was leaning on the wall. Slowly I slid down the wall and tried to catch my breath. I slowly push myself up to stand and start walking to the Night Class gate. 

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