Chapter 6: the First Day

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It's April, and Izuku and Mei woke up. Today is the first day day of  Yūei Kōkō.

Izuku got dressed in the Yūei Kōkō uniform, as did Mei. All though she'd probably never wear it. Because of the course she chose to enter. It would get destroyed. So she brought a duffle bag full of close. It is the first day after all.

Mei made to to her class just on time, and so did Izuku. Well it wouldn't be hard to find a floor to ceiling door with the letters "1-A" on it.

Izuku heard shouting from the other door. It was obvious that it was Kacchan from the cussing, and the blue-haired robot from how polite the yelling was. So when he entered the class said yelling stopped, as the blue-haired robot bowed from the waist perfectly semetrical with the floor, and says,"I'm Sorry. For you are the better student. You figured out the point of the entrance exams, that no one did. Oh by the way my name is Tenya Iida..."

Izuku says, "From Somei Private Academy. We heard. The name's Izuku Midoriya. We're from Aldera Junior High." Mimicking Iida's introduction.

Which made everyone laugh, and confused at the "we" part. Then Aizawa comes through the door. He says, "Good you got quiet in two seconds. Today is just introductions. Tomorrow we'll be doing the Quirk Assessment Exams. It's a test to see the limits of your Quirk. Normally I'd do that today, but because of extenuating circumstances, I have to do that tomorrow. Izuku your up first."

Izuku stands up, and walks to the front of the classroom. He says, "He we are Izuku Midoriya. I like chocolate, Quirks, and heroes like Eraser Head. I hate villains. And my Quirk is called Venom."

Iida asks, "As in the vigilante? The Lethal Protector: Venom?"

Izuku nods, as he transforms in a massive black goop monster, with huge white eyes. He then asks, "Any Questions?"

A redheaded rock man asks, "Did it just come out from under your skin? Is your Quirk a parasite?"

Izuku answers, "It did just come out from under my skin. It a symbiote, not a parasite. Venom hates being called a parasite. Venom gets to live, and I get really cool powers. So, yeah. Win, win situation if you ask me."

Aizawa says, "Next." Izuku sits down, as another classmate stands up to introduce themselves.

It went like that, till all twenty students, and even Aizawa introduced themselves.

Aizawa then says, "Like I said the Quirk Assessment Exams are tomorrow. If I feel you do bad on them. I have the right to expell any, and all of you. Don't forget that." He then left the room, to most likely sleep.

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