Chapter 1: Returning to Earth

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It has been too long. Way too long since Venom has been on Earth, and bonded with a human. With reflection Venom says, "Been to many worlds, but none of them this strange. Understood feelings before, but simple feelings - like colors, bold and bright. Happy. Sad. Angry. Then... met Spider-Man. Feelings got complicated. Learned guilt. Also the first time I felt fear. Felt agony. Learned feeling: Betrayal. Learned first words they called me. Monster. Parasite. Bad. Feels good to be a hero. Did bad things, too. Can't deny. Mac Gargan was bad. Thoughts like poison stingers. It was a thrill to kill. Knew it was bad. Didn't care. Gargan made it easy. Got to punish Gargan for what he did. He was evil and afraid. Lee Price was not afraid. He was a soldier. Hurt and desperate. I trusted him. Talked to him. But Lee was too strong. Didn't want to talk. Didn't want to be a hero. Wanted power. Couldn't stop the bad things he was doing. Lee was bad. Hurt me. Eddie hurts me too, sometimes, but Eddie is different. Eddie never means to. if Eddie is good, why do we disagree? if disagree... am I a monster? parasite? bad? can't be bad. Wasn't bad with Flash. Fought with heroes. Was a hero. Trained another symbiote. Got to learn. Got to teach. Flash called me partner. Was never afraid like Spider-Man. But Flash is gone... and heroes don't hide. Not from anything... especially their mistakes. And I've been hiding for too long. So it is time to return to Earth."

So Venom starts up the Milano, former base of operations for the Guardians of the Galaxy, and flies back to Earth.

On Earth 80% of the population has superpowers, or Quirks as everyone class them. While 20% of the population is quirkless. Which means they do not have a Quirk. Izuku Midoriya is one of the 20%.

Izuku is a four year old with dark green hair, and green eyes. He just found out that he is quirkless.

How does one find out is they are quirkless? Well, You do to a doctor's office, get some tests done, an X-ray, or two of your feet. Why feet? If you have two joints in your pinky toe you are quirkless. If you only have on joint in your pinky toe you have a quirk. Their are late bloomers, but the time frame for a quirk to show itself is from four to six years old.

When Izuku got home that day, he shut himself in the computer room, and watched All Might videos.

All Might is the number one hero. His quirk is unknown, and so is his age.

Izuku watched All Might's debut. In his Debut, he saved one hundred people, all while sporting a huge grin. He'd then would become famous for saving people with a fearless grin, but that grin is, and was just a cover for is own fears.

Before Izuku went to bed that night, his mother Inko Midoriya went into the computer room, and sees her son. His eyes full of tears that were threatening to fall. Izuku asks, "Kaa-chan? Can I be a hero? One just like All Might, where I can save people just like him? Can I be a hero with a fearless smile?"

Inko just breaks down crying, and hugging Izuku. She says, "I'm sorry... Izuku!" This is also when Izuku's tears fall, and he starts to cry. They stay that way throughout the rest of the night.

The next day Izuku takes a walk through the woods, but ends up falling asleep. He woke up from the nap, by the sound of an engine. He wondered why their would be a car this deepin the woods, but when he opened his eyes, Izuku got a shocker of a lifetime. It wasn't a car, but a spaceship instead. Being the curious kid that he is, Izuku decides to check the spaceship that did just land right in front of him. Izuku though, "Who wouldn't check it out?" When Izuku got near the spaceship, it's ramp opens, and a man steps out. Izuku, a little scared asks, "W-Who are y-you?"

The man says, "I am Venom, but my species is called Klyntar."

Izuku asks, "Why are you here?"

Venom says, "Well I need a host. It's how my species is able to live."

Izuku realizes what Venom is saying, says,"And you want me to be your host. Am I right?"

Venom chuckles, and says, "exactly."

Izuku asks, "Why I'm a quirkless Deku?"

Venom asks,"Quirkless?"

Izuku answers, "80% of the world population has powers. We call these powers Quirks. People who do not have a Quirk, are called quirkless, and make up 20% of the world population."

Venom says, "I can give you power. Power only obtainable if we bond, and you become our host."

After bonding with Venom, Izuku sees all of Venom's memories, and Venom sees all of Izuku's memories. Izuku asks, "V? What are our powers?"

Venom says, "Body Storage,Camouflage Capabilities, Constituent-Matter Generation, Parasitic Inheritance, Wall-Crawling, Webbing Generation, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Stamina, Regenerative Healing Factor, Genetic Memory, Offspring Detection, Body Chemistry Manipulation, Telepathy, Digital Immersion, ESP, Empathetic Empowerment, Klyntar Assimilation, Poisonous Fangs, Stretching and deforming, Telepathy Resistance, Hive Mind, Cosmos Communion, Humanoid Form, Proximity Tracking, Self-Sustenance, Morphomerge."

Izuku asks, "What about weaknesses?"

Venom says, "Sonic, Heat, and Knull."

Izuku then asks, "So what are we going to do about our spaceship?"

Venom says, "We are going to shrink it, and put it on a keychain."

Izuku asks, "How?"

Venom says, "We are going to Pym Technologies, and steal some Pym Particles."

As much as they know they hate stealing, their isn't anything else that can shrink things.

Izuku then asks, "Where is Pym Technologies?"

Venom says, "Treasure Island; San Francisco."

Izuku says, "Let's go."

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