Chapter 5: the Letter

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It's the day before Izuku is going to get the letter from U.A., and He is out on patrol. Venom is perched on a ledge of a building, and says, "The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head. Who would've thought that I became famous enough for you to notice me."

Eraser Head says, "I know you took the U.A. Entrance Exams, Izuku Midoriya."

The black goop that is Venom retracts from Izuku's head, and then he says, "Fuck. I haven't killed anyone. I swear."

Eraser Head says, "That is not why I'm here."

Izuku then asks, "Then why are you here?"

Eraser Head says, "Nezu the principal of Yūei. has told me to give you a Provisional Hero Licenses until you take the test to get one. So you can continue to be a vigilante during your stay at Yūei. You have to tell your classmates. Also no kill as little as possible. It's the stipulations that Nezu has made. You'll also get the official letter tomorrow."

Eraser Head then runs, and jumps off of the building. Venom then recovers Izuku's face. They then flip over a light blue haired man with a hand fetish. When Venom landed, they kicked Hand Fetish in the back of the head. Hand Fetish then says, "I have a deal to make with you."

Venom then says, "Why would make you think I would want to make a deal with you, Hand Fetish."

Hand fetish then yells, running full speed at Venom, trying to touch Venom. Venom then quips, "I like a nice handjob from anyone, but your taking it way too far."

Venom dodges all of Hand Fetish's attacks. Hand Fetish then yells, "STOP MOVING SO I CAN TOUCH, AND KILL YOU!"

Venom then asks, "Are you a Succubus?"

Hearing this makes Hand Fetish even more angry than before, but then a black mist appears from nowhere, and says, "Shigaraki Tomura! He is trying to make you angry so you can mess up. Calm down."

Venom then says, "Hey I found the perfect name for you Shigaraki. I now name you Hand Fetish the Succubus, but to be a succubus you need to be a girl, with wings, and a thin tail. So it might not fit. I can always think of a new one later, but for now this is what I'll call you."

Hand Fetish then says, "Kurogiri! Bring out the Nomu! NOW!"

The black mist, now named Kurogiri asks, "But what about the death All Might? We don't know how strong he is. He could be stronger than All Might. What if he kills the Nomu?"

Hand Fetish says, "It's just a Demo, or a Beta Launch. Then Sensei can make a new one."

Venom then says, "Who knew Hand Fetish is a gamer. I should of known about this."

Kurogiri then disappears, and reappears but what walks out from the mist is a monster. Said monster is a large, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body that has many scars on it. His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. His mouth is in the shape of a bird's beak that has sharp teeth in it. Hand Fetish then said, "This is Nomu. It is made to be able to battle All Might at 100%."

Kurogiri then says, "Shigaraki! Don't underestimate him. He is rumored to be stronger than All Might."

Venom says, "Kurogiri is RIght, Hand Fetish, but it's not rumored that we're stronger than All Might, because All Might acknowledges that we're stronger than him."

Izuku then thinks, "It's good that V covers the One for All appearing on my skin. Also V, huge muscle form."

Venom then grows to the height of the Nomu, and double the muscle of All Might. This is when Shigaraki says, "Nomu... Kill the black goop!"

The Nomu then runs full speed at Venom and attempts to punch them. Venom catches the punch, and powers up to 100% of OFA's power. They then unleash a punch onto the Nomu's brain completely destroying the brain killing it. Kurogiri then takes Shigaraki before he can flip out.

Over the rest of the night, Izuku finds out it's pretty much dry. Nothing happened. No bank robberies. No stolen vehicles. Not a single thing happened. Which Izuku, and Venom find odd, until they remember that Eraser Head is out, and prowling the streets. So They go home, take a shower, and fall asleep right next to Mei.

The Midoriya household only has two bedrooms. So It was either sleep with one of them, or on the couch. Mei most definitely did not want to sleep on the couch. So you can probably guess who she decided to sleep with.

The next day, Mei came running into the living room, with two letters from Yūei Kōkō. The Hero Course, and the other Course take different exams, that are on a different date. The Hero Course's exams are later than the other Coure's exams. After reading the acceptance letters, Izuku a ps that said, "We know."

That was it. "We know" How cryptic could one entity be. If Erasure Head didn't tell Izuku what he did, Izuku would probably be pissing himself right now, wouldering how they knew. Izuku then realized that when he punched the Zero pointer, Venom protected his arm from getting damage. He also figured that All Might told them, seeing the strength feats he was achieving.

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