Edgeworth: I was hoping to see that movie on TV. To be honest, it's quite interesting.

Gumshoe: Yeah, pal! We can watch it together!

Maya: Yeah!

She said when she feels growling on her stomach. She tells them.

Maya: Um, I need to go to the restroom.

She move them away as she went to the restroom. When she's gone, Edgeworth said to him.

Edgeworth: It seems like you have a busy day as a lawyer.

Phoenix: And you have a busy day as chief prosecutor.

Gumshoe: Hey pal, what about me? I'm a chief now.

Phoenix: We already noticed.

Gumshoe: Aww...

Phoenix: I hope you can finish your work and we can-

Suddenly, they heard a woman scream coming from the hallway.

Phoenix: What is that!

Gumshoe: It's a girl screaming for help.

???: Help! Nick!

Phoenix: That's sound like... Maya!

He move towards the door as he went to find her. Gumshoe and Edgeworth follows him for saving Maya. As Phoenix keeps running through the hallway he saw a group of men what appears to be a ninja as one of them is holding unconscious Maya on his arm. Phoenix yelled at them.

Phoenix: Hey! Leave her alone!

One of ninja dashed towards him as he knock him out by hitting at his face. Edgeworth and Gumshoe arrive in time only two of them at behind knock them out as well. A leader of the group contact to his boss on an earpiece as he said.

Skull ninja: Boss, we got them. Headed to somewhere else here.


In the city of Colombia, Booker and Elizabeth keep running away from Colombia soldiers and polices are chasing them on foot as Booker and Elizabeth need to escape. He drank a devil's kiss vigor bottle as he gains his fire ability and shoot at them behind to slow then down. They reach the skyrail as he holds Elizabeth and they jumped in and he hooks on the skyrail. Once they are able to escape from Colombia soldiers and polices, they stopped at the abandoned theater where they place all of their weapons, ammunition, and vigor bottles. Elizabeth went to the bathroom to clean herself up while Booker is cleaning his weapons because he wants his weapons to be shiny. Elizabeth came out of the room as she finishes brushing her hair with a towel. She tosses her towel as she said to him.

Elizabeth: Booker, how will we get to Comstock?

Booker: I don't know. Probably a few more hours until we get to pass those crazy Colombia people wanted us dead because I'm a false shepherd.

Elizabeth: You're not a bad person, Booker. These people, they follow Comstock to believe you are some kind of curse.

Booker: Well, when we get there, we have a word from him.

Elizabeth: And we stop both Comstock founder and the Vox Populi.

Booker: Exactly.

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