PJO Fanfic Co-Writer Chat Oneshots #1

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A series of Percy Jackson oneshots co-written by FamousBunny22, Wisegirl12xx, WildDragon1572, TimeLockedManiac (Colombian Writer), Pesky Texas8337, and Clary C.

PJO Fanfic Co-Writer Chat Oneshots: #1; Drunk Percy is Crazy Percy (Completed)

Percy woke up, went into the kitchen and threw up.

He looked up to see Mr. D sitting in his kitchen with a glass of wine.

"This will help you with your hangover." Mr. D said as he offered the glass of most likely enchanted wine.

Percy then downed the glass in a single gulp.

His headache was gone and he didn't feel nauseous anymore.

"Thanks. Now what are you doing in my house?" Percy asked.

"You don't remember what happened last night?" He gestured to the window, and Percy saw the street stained with red liquid and flopping fishes.

Percy gulped. Was that...blood?

The metallic tang in the air made him gag, and Mr. D's grin was starting to bother him.

"Mr. D? Please tell me that isn't blood." He stammered out.

Mr. D laughs, "Of course it is, Perry Johnson!"

"Oh Perry, did you really forget? All the people we killed last night."

Percy was shocked. I killed....people?

Then he saw the first body on the floor.

"The screams and shrieks Rachel let out... mmmm." Mr. D licked his lips, and his sunglasses gleamed dangerously.

"Rachel!" He yelled. He ran to the body of his lifeless friend on the ground.

"Is there more? Did-did i kill any more?"

"Oh, but that was nothing compared to Grover. Honestly, satyrs make the best test subjects."

"You were there you know. You helped me sooo much. Without you, I wouldn't have thought of using wine to filled him up before jumping on him."

Mr. D let out a giggle, as he mimicked an explosion with his hands. "POP! Like a balloon."

"I did that?" Percy whispered as he looked beside Rachel. A little sapling had started to grow.

The leaves were stained with blood, and he shook in rage.

"How did you make me do this? HOW?!?!?" He shrieked.

"I didn't make you do anything except to try a sip of wine. One, teeny tiny bit of wine. You did the rest by yourself."

Blood drained from Percy's face, his eyes widen as he recalled yesterday's event.

He remembered, all the people he tortured and murdered out of sheer boredom. And worst of all, he remembered doing all of that with... a smile.

Percy staggered backwards away from the body of Rachel, and stumbled backwards as he tripped over something.

"Annabeth..." he whispers. He carefully brushes her hair out of her face and immediately wished he hadn't.

Her entire face was melted off, and her mouth was stuck in a permanent scream.

"Oh gods." He stumbled away, out of the big house, and stops in his tracks. The whole camp is splattered in blood.

He numbly makes his way past the bodies.

He knew all of them. They trusted him. He felt like hurling.

Frank, Hazel, arms around each other.

Jason, Piper and Leo. Around them is a ring of charred grass, their expressions ones of horror, fear and betrayal.

He turned away from them, but saw an even more gruesome sight. Blackjack was impaled upon Riptide, and he was still alive, pinned to the ground by his own sword.

The pegasus was squirming on the grass, and when he saw Percy, His mouth moved to talk, but all that came out was blood and foam.

He looked at Percy with accusing eyes.

Percy actually hurls this time. Blackjack. He looks around, unwilling to meet his old friend's eyes. And frowns. Two people are missing. He mentally runs over the date.

April 1st.

As it hits him, he hears the sound of laughter. Blackjack gets up and whinnys.

A bright light flashed behind him, and he turned to see the grinning visage of Hermes.

"You totally fell for that, boss!" Blackjack laughs.

"GET REKT MORTAL!" Hermes bellowed.

Travis and Connor come out from behind their dad.

Jason, Leo and Piper come over, splattered in blood, which was, Percy realizes, actually red paint.

Annabeth stood up and tore the wax mask off her face.

Annabeth and Rachel come over, the latter twirling a paint brush around her finger and smirking.

Annabeth and Rachel come over, the latter twirling a paint brush around her finger and smirking.

"And you said art was useless fishboy." Rachel said, obviously smug.

Percy looked at them, still in shock.

Clarisse, her face covered in gore and Maimer sticking out of her chest, rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder.

"April fool's, punk. Now I gotta shower." She stomps off.

Thanks to his ADHD, he noticed that the two ends of the spear was wobbling in different directions.

So it was all a prank, it finally occurred to him, and he sighed in relief, before going back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Hades was shaking his head. Such a mighty hero, one he actually held a shred of respect for, and he stooped so low. He stopped observing the Fields of Punishment.

Ideas: A Collection Of Writing Prompts, Prologues, And Unfinished WorksWhere stories live. Discover now