Percy Jackson Prince of Werewolves Son Of Lycaon (PJO fanfic)

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Perseus, Prince of Werewolves, Son of Lycaon, was about to attempt his first shift.

At the age of twelve Perseus was considered a late shifter. Most werewolves shifted at the age of five. Perseus would have been banished if for not his father, Lycaon, The King of Werewolves.

Besides not being able to shift he could still do everything else a young werewolf could do and more.

The full moon was almost at its most powerful position. The wolves knew it was really Artemis moon chariot but little did Artemis knew that when she flew the chariot the werewolves were stronger.

Werewolves were born on the full moon and shifted on the full moon, It had been the same since the first werewolf, Lycaon.

A searing pain shot up Perseus back and he fell to his knees.

Perseus POV

I fell to my knees, and I started to sweat. I had seen so many shifts I knew it was completely normal but I was still scared. Some werewolves died during there shift because they couldnt handle the pain.

I already knew I wasnt normal I was supposed to shift seven years ago and I didnt. I disgraced my father and he never seemed to care if I could shift or not. He pushed and trained me harder than any of the other pups in the pack.

He had made a deal with the pack the day after they all found out that I had not shifted. The moment I fell behind in the pack is when they would banish me, I never fell behind.

My entire body was drenched in sweat, I was laying flat on my back staring up at the stars in the sky and Artemis chariot.

I blacked out and when I opened my eyes again a couple second later I could see ten times better.

I looked down and saw jet black paws in front of me.

I looked up to see my father in wolf form a look of pride in his eyes.

He crouched down signaling he wanted to run, and took off. I followed after him.

I realized I didnt have to push myself to run next to him, I could do so easily. I felt free the wind rushing through my fur, I could see hundreds of yards in front of me, I could smell the lake two miles ahead and the food cooking back at camp.

We got to the lake, father stopped near the tree line and gestured for my to go closer to the lake.

I looked at my reflection, I had jet black fur on my ears, paws and tail, and grey fur with some white spots every where else.

I looked at my father he looked amused.

I took a drink from the lake going deeper so my paws would get wet. A fish swam near me and I tried to catch it with my paws but it swam away too fast.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw father heading towards me and then I was soaked in lake water.

As we played in the lake I couldnt help but feel like someone was watching us.

Artemis POV

I looked down from the moon chariot to see to werewolves playing in the lake. I looked closer and saw that it was Lycaon and some pup that I had never seen before. The feud between Lycaons pack and the Hunters had been very quiet for the past thirteen years but they were about fifty miles to close to the Hunters Camp.

I was enjoying the quiet and the werewolves looked to be relaxing and I could sense a new life in their camp meaning a child had been born, I didnt want to attack.

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