On our way

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(Seth's POV)
Me, Danny, and Chris decided to continue the search through the night. As we run along a stream. I hear a long howl. Chris mind links me and tells me it's Iris. I follow the sound of where it came from running as fast as I can. Then another howl rings through the cool night air and I stop and throw my head back and howl back to her. I start running again and I jump onto a gravel beach in front of a beach and I see Iris standing on the shore line. Her white fur looks silver in the moon light. Suddenly 2 more white wolves burst out of the trees behind her and stand next to her. She greets them with head bows and walks to me. She rubs her head against my chest. And I rub my head along her back. She walks into the woods and shifts back into her human form and comes running back out in a tank top and shorts and raps her arms around my neck. She's tightly hangs off the the ground so I lower my head so she's touching the ground.

"I missed you so much." She says to me in a low whisper. She let's go and I walk into the woods and shift back into my human form putting on a pair of basket ball shorts I had tied around my ankle. I walk back out to see 2 women next to Iris and also Danny and Chris have shifted back into humans. They stand there talking until Iris tells everyone to back up. I stop and before I know it Iris's arms and legs are on fire, but she seems unharmed. Her clothes don't burn either. Then as quickly as the flames came they disappear. Then she points towards a boulder on the edge of the forest line. She points her palm at it and it lifts off the ground. Then she drops it and looks at Danny. She starts to sing and his eyes turn a bright yellow and he walks towards her. He wraps his arms around her waist and she stops singing. Chris comes over and taps his arms he turns to her and a growl of pleasure erupts from his chest and he wraps her in a hug while lifting her.

"I've been blessed by the moon goddess. I've been given 3 special powers. Telekinesis, hypnosis, and the ability to control fire." She says while turning to me with a worried look on her face. "If your going to reject me then do it. I understand why you would." She says lowering her head to me being submissive. I'm stunned from what she has just shown me and the fact that she is being submissive to me. "I'm not going to reject you. I think what you can do is amazing." I tell her them put my hand under her chin and raise her head so she's looking into my eyes. "I love you to much to do that." I say to her. She wraps me into a hug and takes deep breaths while I do the same.
It feels so good to have her in my arms again.

(Iris's POV)
I'm so happy to have Seth back. I can't help but hug him as soon as I see him enter the shore line of the lake. I shift back and run out and give him another hug. He goes to shift and tone he leaves. Blake, Naomi, Chris, and Danny all shift back. None of them seem to care that other people will see them naked, but I can only hope that they don't stare at each other. After they've shifted and dressed I decide to show them the reason why I left in the first place.

First I show my ability to control fire. I picture a fire taking over my body and I look to see Chris and Danny starring at me is complete amazement. Then I show then my telekinesis. After that I warn Chris about what's going to happen to Danny when I show my last power. She agrees with what she has to do and I show them my last power of hypnosis. Danny's eyes turn a bright yellow like Jacobs did. He wraps his arms around my waist and I stop, but he just stands there until Chris taps him on the arm and he focuses on her instead.

I turn to see Seth starring at my with an unreadable expression on his face. "If your going to reject me then do it. I understand why you would." I tell him lowering my head ready for him to. But to my surprise he doesn't. He walks over to me saying "I'm not going to reject you. I think what you can do is amazing." I keep my head down, but he puts his hand under my chin and raises my head so he's looking right into my eyes. "I love you to much to do that." He tells me. I can't help but give him a hug for what he's just said. After we let go of each other I introduce him to Blake and Naomi.

"Seth this is my cousin Blake and my aunt Naomi." I tell him pointing towards them. "Hello." Blake and Naomi say and he gives them a nod. "Your parents are worried about you. We should get you home." Chris says walking up behind me. I don't want to go home because I still have so much to learn from Naomi. "I'll only go if Naomi, Blake, and Jacob can come too." I tell her using my alpha tone so nobody disagrees with me and nobody does. "I'll call Jacob." Blake says and walks away a few feet while she mind links him.

After we stand there waiting for about 5 minutes a giant blonde wolf comes out of the trees and Seth and Danny both let out growls towards the stranger until Blake walks in front of them. "It's Jacob." She says. They stop growling but push me and Chris behind them and I only laugh at their behavior. We all walk into the woods and shift and we all start to run back. We get back in about 4 hours.

Before we go back to the house we decide to stop at the waterfall to rest. "I don't even want to know how my parents are gonna react to all of this." I mind link Seth while the others get drinks. We all stay in wolf form because were going to start running again in about 10 minutes.

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