My First Day In Another New School

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(Seth's POV)

Since my parents have to go to work before schools starts in the morning I have to wake myself up. Of course when I wake up I look at my clock and see it 7 o'clock "OH SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE!!FUCK!" I screamed at the clock and ran around my room throwing on a grey t-shirt and jeans. As I ran down the stairs I grabbed an apple and took off towards my black SUV and drove as fast as I could, but I wasn't speeding towards my new school. I parked my car and looked to see what time it was and saw it was 7:50 am. damn you traffic and I ran into the school since I didn't know my way around the school I walked around praying I would find the right class room.

After about 10 minutes of me walking around this big ass school totally lost I found a teacher and asked her if she knew where Mr.Larsen's room was she said yes and showed me. She wasn't to old about 27 and as she showed me to my class she made sure to put a little extra sway in her hips. I thought to myself "What a skank", but then Travis my wolf mind-linked me and said "I really hope we find our mate today. She's going to be so beautiful and if any other male tries to talk to her they'll be sorry they ever new her."

While I was talking to Travis I didn't even realize the skank had brought me to my classroom. "If you ever need anything else make sure to find me" the skank told me trying to sound seductive. I acted like I was throwing up and she looked at me completely disgusted. After that she turned around knocking on the door and a man opened the door and I'm assuming it was Mr.Larsen. "Hello young man I'm Mr.Larsen" he introduced himself looks like I was right. As soon as I walked in the classroom I smelled apple cinnamon. It was the most amazingly intoxicating smell I've ever smelled before as I looked for the source my eyes locked with beautiful blue/gray eyes after a minute of us looking at each other she broke eye contact and stared at her paper. I was hurt. I knew she knew I was her mate. Did she not want me? I hope she doesn't reject me after we only looked at each other. I'm assuming Mr.Larsen knew what was going on and told me to go sit next to the mystery girl and I gladly did as I was told. After I sat down I had to ask her "What's your name beautiful?" She didn't answer she just looked at me so the guy sitting next to her said "This idiot right here her name is Iris McLore and I'm her best friend Ash." I hate the idea of him calling Iris an idiot and calling himself her best friend, but before I could say anything Iris beat me to it saying "your not my best friend, Chris is, stupid" I was relieved to know this guy isn't her best friend because he seems like a player, but then I wanted to ask who Chris. As soon as I find out who this Chris guy is I'm gonna have a serious talk with him. So I looked strait into Iris's eyes and said "your mine Iris McLore." God I loved the way her name sounded coming out of my lips.

But before I could ask who Chris was Iris asked me who I was "So what's your name?" And I simply answered "Seth Black". I was going to ask her what her next class was, but before I could the bell rang and Iris and Ash walked out. I saw Iris walking up the steps so I went after her then I heard a voice scream in the stairwell "IRIS" I turned around but only to be shoved out of the way by a tall blonde running up the stairs towards Iris and when Iris turned around to greet the strange girl she screamed back "CHRIS" and rapped the blonde girl in a giant hug and they both took off up the stairwell together laughing and giggling and so I followed them to their next class and it turns out that was my next class. As I sat down they were both starring at me. So me being the nice guy I am I gave them something worth starring at.

The She-Wolf AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin