Fun times i guess?

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(Clark's POV)
I'm worried about Iris. She hasn't come to see me in a while. I know she went to see Seth's parents, but I thought she would be back by now. I decide to go to her house. I know she said not to, but I need something to remind me of her. I shift and run as quickly as I can to her house. Once I get there I jump through an open window. Luckily they locked their bedroom door so I just have to be really quiet while I'm here. I look around the room,but all the stuff I see belongs to Seth. I walk to the dresser and open a drawer and find a dark red shirt. I smell it and Iris's scent is all over it. I grab it and go.

Once I'm back at the waterfall I snuggle with the shirt in a small cave I found under the waterfall and pretend it is the love of my life. Iris McLore.

(Iris's POV)
Once I woke up I saw Seth had taken me back to the guest house. I looked to the door and saw our suitcases packed and ready to go. We've been here for about 2 weeks so a little more than we planned, but Seth wanted to be sure about the bites on my neck. Those have completely healed and thankfully no scarring. I get out of bed, but Seth isn't in the guest house so he must be in the main house.

I go over to the dresser to find a pile of clothes already laid out for me. I pick up a black tank top that says "music = life" in white writing and it's actually pretty cool, but I don't remember packing it or even buying it. There's also a pair of red and black tie dye cut off shorts and some black vans. I like the outfit, but I don't remember buying any of these. "Where did I get this stuff?" I mumble to myself. "I bought it for you. I thought you would like it." I hear Seth say as he walks into the bedroom. "I love them. Thanks babe." I say and put the clothes on he watches me intently from the doorway. I apply some mascara and black eyeliner which really makes my blue eyes standout. And I leave my hair down in its bouncy waves. "Let's go home." I say as Seth and I walk to the car. I see his family standing around the car. I hug his mother and sisters, but give his father a firm handshake. I don think his dad likes me very much. He nods to Seth and he responds with a nod also. He hugs his mother and sisters. And we get into the car and go home to my pack.

2 and a half hours later......................

I walk through the front door only to be tackled by a tall blonde. "Omg I'm so happy you're back! I missed you and the video you sent of Seth was hilarious." Chris jumbles out to me as I hug her back. "I am too. I missed you also, but it was even funnier in person." I say and hear a low grumble from behind. I'm guessing it was Seth. Something like "it was not funny". I grab Seth's hand and walk upstairs to our room with Chris and Danny behind us. Once we all get into the bedroom I shut the door and sit on the bed with Seth as Chris and Danny sit on the small couch at the foot of the bed facing us. "Since me and Seth are back why don't we have a fun day. Just the four of us." I suggest and everyone quickly agrees to my plan. "What should we do?" I ask and Chris replies. "Something here so we don't have to have to get dressed up." And I agree along with the guys.

"Why don't we just have a slumber party here. We can lock all the windows and doors, while we just stay here and watch movies and eat junk food all day." I suggest and everyone agrees. "Ok cool, why don't we do it this weekend." I ask and everyone nods in response.

But what they didn't know is that I had something a little more fun planned.

I texted Chris after her and Danny left and Seth got into the shower.

Iris: I have a perfect idea for the slumber party
Chris: what?
Iris: we could ambush the guys with a nerf gun battle
Chris: omfg yes! Like we could send them out for snacks and drinks
Iris: we can put 2 guns by the door with a note that "says we r hidden somewhere in the house and u guys have to find us. Good luck!"
Chris: yes! We could also set up Bluetooth speakers around the house to play random songs or videos and confuse them.
Iris: that's an awesome idea!!! Ok I gtg Seth just got out of the shower

And after I finished texting Chris, Seth came out of the bathroom with a pair of boxers on. He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around me. I fell into a peaceful sleep while thinking of the up coming weekend.
Authors note
I am so sorry this chapter is short. I haven't had much time to write lately. Some family issues have come up and it's been complicated.

Please vote and comment any suggestions for the story. I could really use the help!!!!

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