Steve VIII

589 29 25

November 2nd


Thor Odinson pulled into the driveway. He honked the horn and Steve swung his book bag over his shoulder as he rushed out. He hopped in the passengers seat.

Thor had a big cheeky grin on his face. Steve rolled his eyes as he waved at Thor's younger brother Loki and Thor's fiancé Sifera, who sat in the very back of the 8 seater.


Thor looked at him. "Are you seriously still screwing that college chick?"

Steve looked back at him. "Don't talk about her like that. And she's not in college, she graduated."

"Like that makes it any different."

"It makes it very different."

"Man you are so screwed." Thor remarked as he started driving.


"Are you even going to tell her she's dating a high schooler? How's she going to react when she finds out? And she thinks your on your last year of college. You're on your last year of highschool."

Steve swallowed. Thor had a great point. Peggy would hate him. He pressed his face against the cold glass and sighed. A flash of purple caught his eyes up ahead. Clint Barton was limping across the sidewalk his backpack draped over one shoulder and a case that could only contain his famous bow and arrows in his hand.

"Hey, Thor let's give Clint a ride."

Thor gave him a look. "Barton? That loser? Why?"

Steve sighed, he sometimes wonder why he hung out with Thor. Oh that's right. Because Bucky was in a coma. Steve's stomach tightned .

"Because he's limping like he's in pain."

Steve heard Sif snicker from the backseat. "Ew, leave him."

Steve shook his head and stuck it out the window.


Thor gave him a dirty look as he slowed the car to a stop.

Clint's head shot up as he looked behind him towards the car.

Steve gestured for him to get in.

Clint looked cautious. "Uh, that's okay Rogers, I'm fine."

"Come on man, you're limping, we don't mind- right Thor?"

Thor stayed silent and Steve punched him in the shoulder

"Ow-yea yea of course! Of course get in."

Steve rolled his eyes and unlocked the backseat so Clint could enter. He slowly approached the car and moved his bow case to his other hand before opening the door and plopping down on the backseat.

Steve caught a flash of red-blood-on Clint's wrist as his sleeve rolled up a bit.

"Hey man, are you bleeding?"

Clint winced, "Yea I just-its not what you think-I...punched something this morning, cut my hand."

Steve gave him a concerned look "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Clint snapped. Steve could see his walls slamming back up. His face was expressionless but Steve was good at reading people, he could see the pain in his eyes.

But he dropped the conversation anyways, Clint Barton wasn't someone you messed with, unless you were his brother that is.


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