Clint II

777 31 11

November 2nd

"So we have all classes together, except language-your taking English and I'm taking Spanish-hey you're in choir too. Do you sing?" Clint rambled.

She smiled at him. "A little bit"

Out of the corner of his eye, Clint saw his older brother, Barney, and some of his... "lackeys coming towards them."

He grabbed Natasha's arm and started leading her away.

"Vhat you-"

"Shh. If you don't talk they may not notice you." He said quickly, cutting off her words.

"HEY CLINT." Barnes voice boomed through the hallway. Conversations died off as the people stared, anxiously waiting to see what would happen.

Clint pushed Natasha behind him. "What do you want, Barney."

"Ooh, Little brothers got an attitude. Just came over to introduce myself to your little girlfriend over there." He said, winking at Natasha. Clint glanced back at Natasha. She looked slightly irritated.

"Leave her out of this Barne-"

Barney slammed him into the lockers. "Did I ask for your opinion punk?" he raised his fist.

Clint closed his eyes, waiting for the punch.

But it never came. When he opened his eyes Natasha had Barney pinned to the floor with her forearm pushed up against his throat. The hallway went completely silent. You could here a pin drop.

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