Tony VI

681 29 5

November 2nd

*time skip to Tony's house*

After he had coaxed Pepper out of the bathroom and taken her back to his house he went to make some coffee while she took a shower upstairs. Just as he started to put sugar in hers, his father walked in.

The mug crashed to the floor.

"Dad?" He asked, after a moment of staring.

His father rolled his eyes "Anthony. What are you wearing? Didn't I tell you we have an weapons presentation in Afghanistan today?"

"Weapons Presentation-Afghanistan? Wha- When did you tell me this?"

His father-Howard, gave him an annoyed look. "About 5 months ago"

Tony swallowed his anger for the second time that day. "And you expect me to remember that?"

"If you were any son of mine you would have."

"Well I'm sorry I'm such a disapointment." He kicked a piece of plaster out of his way and stomped upstairs to pack.


Tony jumped as he heard Peppers voice. There she was leaning up against his door, wearing one of his shirts and sweatpants, her wet strawberry blonde hair draped over one shoulder.

He swallowed "How much did you hear?"

"Everything" she sat on his bed.

"Tony your father loves you, he just has trouble showing it sometimes.

Tony laughed and shook his head. "My father doesn't love me, he wants me gone. But he knows he has to keep me because it'd be bad for his businesses."

"Tony, your dad doesnt-"

He partially lifted up his shirt, showing her a half faded scar.

"This is from when I was twelve, and I was trying to show him my science project, but he was too drunk to care"

Pepper looked pained. "Tony"

"This" he tilted his chin upwards showing her a scar under his chin she had never noticed before.

"Is from last year when he thought I was up to late and tried to slit my throat. But I struggled to much and he missed."

Tony could see the tears building up in Peppers eyes but he didn't care. "Tony"

"And this is from-"

She cut him off by pressing her lips onto his. It was minutes before she pulled away, tears still swimming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know, I should have paid more attention-"

Tony pulled her into a hug. "Hey, hey its okay. Its okay its not your fault. It doesn't happen often"

She pulled away. "You know who else gets abused?"

Tony flinched a little "I wouldn't call it getting abused. Just...taught valuable life lessons."

Pepper gave him a heart breaking look. "Oh, Tony that's horrible, he's hurting you and-"

There was a knock and the door swung opened.

"Anthony are you-"

Howard froze taking in the sight of Pepper and Tony on the bed.

He cleared his throat. "Ah Miss Virginia...I didn't know you were here..."

He gave looked at Tony who shrugged.

He looked back to Pepper.

"Do you need an ice pack Miss Potts?"

Pepper tilted her head ,confused. "Why would I need an ice pack?"

She touched her cheek only to jerk her and back just as she had touched the swollen skin.

She swallowed. "Um no Mr. Stark, I'm fine."

He nodded slowly.

Pepper wrung her hands nervously "Should I um...go?...or..."

Tony watched the exchange silently, noting that his father loved Pepper.

His father shook his head. "No no, spend the night, as I'm sure you were going to do anyways."

He backed out of the room.

"I'll be out tonight...and kids..."

He practically sprinted down the stairs.

(Authors Note: Who's next, Thor, Steve, or Bruce?)

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