C H A P T E R 37

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You know how many people warn you about the dangers that lurk in the night? Well, you should listen to them when they say that you should stay inside because you don't know the type of people that could be just around the corner and I certainly should have known better, rather than thinking everything was going to be fine as soon as I started walking towards my mom's house.

Of course, the person that I knew was watching me didn't even come out as I thought they would do, so I continued to walk as I gripped the mace in my pocket as well as my phone and my keys. From then, I scolded myself for bringing too much outside. There was nothing that I could do about it now, I just continued walking, hoping that I would be able to lose them, but there was a fat chance of that happening because this was my luck we were talking about.

Instead, I decided to step into an alleyway, hoping there was no one in there and when I turned my head to look that way, I only saw a homeless man, who was sleeping and I could tell that he wasn't dead because his chest rose and fell as he breathed in and out. I closed my eyes as I heard the footsteps walking closer, but they were scattered, as if that person was trying to find me.

Stepping out of the shadows, I stood in front of whoever this hooded person was and I held the mace to the back of his head because it looked as if this guy was trying to still find me. His luck ran out when he turned his head back around saw me standing there with the mace in front of his face. He eyed it, then looked into my eyes and I gasped when I saw who it was. It was pretty hard to not notice because his eyes...well, they were practically illuminated by the lights that filled the streets.

'Nice to see you too, sweetheart.' He said, amused. After snapping out of whatever trance I was left in, I saw as he breathed out a sigh before turning his head back to face me. 'What are you doing out this late at night? Oh wait, did someone ask for a booty call?' I glared at him, shaking my head and wanting to walk away, but I didn't and I made things even worse for myself.

'No actually, I have much better things to do late at night. Least I'm not searching for drugs.' In an instant, I was pushed up onto the wall that I had previously hid behind. Drew was a couple inches away from me and his arm was pressing up onto my neck, trying to keep me from going anywhere and it was working. I was also scared shitless because the amusement has slipped away from his face.

'You better wipe that smirk away from your face, sweetheart.' He warned me, no, threatened me. 'Or what? Are you going to rearrange it?' I taunted, knowing that he wouldn't do anything to me, or at least that's what I had hoped. He let go of me roughly after a couple seconds and I swear, I almost fell, but Drew had caught me before my body was met with the floor.

He brought me back up, but I was quick to push him away from me. 'Don't act as if you care, Drew. I know that you hate the fact that I'm still living at your place even though I'm screwing someone else, I know that. But there isn't nothing you can do about it now and you won't even have to worry in the weeks coming anyway.' I said to him before going around him to continue going towards my mom's house, even though she would probably be asleep.

'What the fuck do you mean?' He shouted, but I continued walking, pretending that I wasn't even listening to him, but he grabbed me by the arm and turned me around so that I was facing him. 'I asked you a question, Josette.' I roughly took my arm out of his grasp and looked him in the eyes as I said, 'And I am walking away from you, Drew.' I said to him before turning around to walk.

For the second time that night, I was pushed onto the wall again and it was a hell of a lot rougher than the last time. 'Drew, what the fuck are you doing? You don't care, I know you don't care about me or Joey any more and you don't have to fucking worry any more because we're moving out.' To me, it was like a huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders, but it looked much different to him.

Simply Sinful-Josette ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum