chapter 12/the mission

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A few minutes later I was hunched over a mountain side next to Dakota, or Storm Bringer as I should've called her in the field.

"Is everyone in place?" Blue Jay asked through her ear piece.

"Shadow Hunter standing by."

"Scarlet Lady all clear."

"Recollsion close by."

"Storm Bringer active."

"Catamay's here too."

"Scar's activated."

"Reckon on your eyes. Dunbar's transport should be arriving any minute." Reckon said. He was our eyes on the mission.

"Great. Any sigh of trouble?" Blu Jay asked. Storm Bringer was looking through the scope on her gun.

"Nothing visible. Yet." she replied.

"Dunbar's transport, he's approaching you guys at the northwest sector." Shadow Hunter replied.

"Want me to get a better look?" Scarlet Lady asked.

"No, stand down Scarlet." Blu Jay replied.

"That's a false move." Recollsion replied.

"No. If the raiders are coming I want all of us to corner them. There's no need to get closer." Blu Jay replied. If I didn't know better I would have said there was some hesitance in her voice. I turned to Storm Bringer.

"What are the chances the raiders are going to show up?"

"Pretty thick. If Dunbar does end up being their boss." I clutched my gun closely.

The next few seconds treaded along, and I must admit I was ready. For some attack behind, some raiders jumping below, but nothing happened.

"This seems too easy." Scarlet Lady replied after a while. We had steadily been following the transport truck, and nothing had happened.

"I guess the raiders backed down." Blu Jay replied.

I was about to Believe that myself, until I noticed something odd. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, for I could have sworn I saw the driver form, then disappear. I magnified my eye peice for a closer view, and I knew at once what was happening.

"Guys, this is a fake transport!" I yelled threw my ear peice.

"What? How?" Recollsion asked, outraged.

"There's no driver. Its only a hologram!"

"What that can't be right!" Scar argued.

"My tec would sense it!" Reckon added in.

"Are you sure?" Blu Jay asked.

"Oh, she's right. I can tell right threw that hologram." Storm Bringer added in. She had moved her scope towards the truck. I stomped my hand down in frustration.

"They must have fooled us from the start." I said.

"Reckon, did anything odd happen at the begaining of the trucks transport?" Scarlet Lady asked.

"Just a minute... Oh yes. There was a small stop, somewhere along the backside of town. I thought it was just to get a quick snack or something."

"If we hurry, we can beat them to their stop." Shadow Hunter added in.

"Get on the motorcycles. Scarlet Lady, Reckon, make sure no one is really in those hologram trucks, then let Miss Bella know what is happening." Blu Jay ordered. We all agreed on terms, then soon started moving quickly on our motorcycles. Dunbar wouldn't get away. Not if I had anything to do with it.

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