Flashback - All I have

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I need to leave anyway, but I really am in need of a shower first," the blonde smiled as she jumped up, swinging her bare ass as she made her way out of the room.

I sighed falling back onto my back with hands on my forehead.

Feeling Tatia's hand rubbing my chest I peeked at her from behind my palms.

"You really got that hangover, huh?" she smiled. "Age is getting the best of you. Have you seen you have couple of grey hairs in your beard?" she asked pulling a face. "Should maintain your look more often," she stated almost disgusted as she picked on a hair in my beard, but I just pushed her hand away.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked as I grabbed up my phone and looked at my reflection if I can see those greys.

"Soon I'm leaving, don't worry," she smiled as she stood up putting on my Gucci robe, but I honestly couldn't care less.

I wanted her and her friend out.

"It was a fun night, as always," she winked throwing her long hair back and I just closed my eyes as I felt her sitting back onto the bed.

I didn't have better idea than to act like I fell back asleep.

This way I don't have to look at her, talk to her or just deal with her in general.

It's not like I didn't like her.

As a surprise as it is, I am not sleeping with every woman I see. Tatia and I can have a good time talking and partying. We go a couple of years back. She is funny and intelligent. We just never cared for a serious relationship, but lately this "friends with benefits" situation became just... benefits. The blonde was honestly just a desperate tag-along as far as I remember.

When Tatia finally left the room, I breathed deep sitting up.

I went through some of the photos of last night on my phone shaking my head and I just couldn't believe this is what I do with my free time on the edge of fifty.

I slowly got up and dragged on some sweatpants I found first in the room then walked out uncertain.

Peeking to the dining area I saw Avery standing around by the wall in her signature over-sized fluffy sweater and yoga pants, talking on her phone and I pressed my lips looking at Tatia and the blonde sitting on the couch.

I knew I had to keep up the image of the fun rockstar, if I don't want these devils to talk shit about me, so I walked to them forcing a smile.

"Ladies," I opened my arms and they stood up with a giggle and I threw my arms around their shoulders. "It was much pleasure to have you both around, but now I'm afraid that the dragon in my dining room has my day scheduled from now on," I said packing both of their cheeks as I led them through the living room into the hallway.

"But... oh, I ordered coffee," Tatia spoke up and I took a deep breath as I opened the door for them.

"Oh, look, here it is! You can take it to go," I forced another smile and as gently as I could, I pushed them out of the door and pulling the trolley in with the rest of the food what probably Avery already ordered, I closed the door behind me.

Taking a couple of cleansing breaths on my way to the dining area I tried to gather myself, knowing exactly what is coming my way and trying my best to decrease the damage I smiled as I looked up to Avery who was now sitting by the table.

"Oh, good morning, Sunshine."

And there it was.

She was nodding as she barely looked at me but that was enough for me to see her fiery-brown eyes filled with sadness; she quickly looked away and I gulped, looking down at the trolley, pouring some coffee for myself.

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