Hidden Chapter No 2

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...."After I left, he looked at my back with a faraway look, as if remembering the good days, when my parents were alive."....

These were the best years of my life. I used to smile and laugh everyday, with a true, natural, innocent way. My father would tell me stories about journeys he took, either alone, or with my mom and friends. They all seemed to have had a great time, full of adventures!

He also used to teach me about the business world by taking me with him  every time there was a meeting, or by introducing me to his business partners and co-workers. That's how I met sir Brighton, who came to love me at first sight.

I still remember that time. It was late at night and I heard voices in the main office. So, as the naughty little girl I was, I decided to do a little investigation. That's when I peaked from behind the slightly open door, only to find my father and another man, laughing along side each other freely.

I remember my father noticing my presence and motioning me to enter the room. That's when the other man finally took notice in me. Haha, I remember his eyes opening wide and shining with excitement.

Father - Donovan, this is my daughter. She was an infant the last time you saw her. Introduce yourself dear.

Katherine - Greetings sir. My name is Katherine...

Donovan - Oh, my~~~!!! How wonderful!!! Edgar! You should have introduced her earlier! You said she was asleep! Hello young lady. It's a pleasure to meet you, well, again! I am your father's best friend: Donovan Brighton.

Said the man while bowing slightly and winking playfully. He is about my father's age and I supposed that they are close friends by the way they talked back and front, and also by the way that my father talked about him in his stories... On the whole, he is quite trustworthy and pleasant.

Anyway, that's how we met. In the process of my learning about the business world, I came to meet all of my father's friends. Once a year, they all meet up at our house and spend a week all together, aside from business  meetings and trips they took while seeking adventures.

As for my mother, my real mother, she of course couldn't stand back and watch while my father taught me things that I would surely use in the future. She taught me housework, and she would sing and read fairy tails to me every night before I went to sleep.

Since my parents had connections from all over the world, naturally, they were fluent in many foreign languages. So, my mother took the initiative to teach me every single language she knew, her being a natural. I am lucky to have inheritated her fluentry.

Now, there were a few things we did all together. For example, they both taught me horse riding and how to act like a lady, from both aspects, male and female. They showed me how to have a sharp mind and eyes, even though I was a natural at this too.
Other than that, they also taught me swordmanship and introduced me to politics.

If only I could have seen through Stepmother's act from the beginning, I could have prevented this mess. My parents were amazing and very talented, as well as caring. They never abandoned a friend in need, nor did they betray them.

Despite teaching all that stuff to me, they were always on my side. They always played and went to walks with me. We took Ryan with us too. My parents would sit down, chat and relax, while Ryan and I would play and laugh around. There were a few more faces around from times to times too. Sometimes Mr. Brighton's family would join us, as well as some other servants' kids. We were so happy-go-lucky back then... I wish we could relive those moments just one more time and all be together and happy again...

End of hidden chapter...

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