Chapter 3 : The past and it's costs...

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The day has finally ended. I can't wait to go to that place... Since school is over, everyone but him and I, has already left.

He has packed his things and is looking outside the window, still sitting beside me. He must be waiting for someone... As for me, I have probably missed the bus I normally take, so I might as well take my time getting ready to go back.

I take this chance to open ny phone. Once I unlock it, I find it vibrating. Mother is calling me.... Well, she isn't actually my mother by birth. I would say she is more of a stepmother since my real mother died in a fire 6 years ago. She married my father 2 years ago. After 1 year, though, he also died. Pure luck? I leave that to you to decide.

My stepmother and her daughter live in our mansion, which by my father's will is completely mine, as well as everything he and my mother owned. Everything is rightfully entitled to me and not a penny to spare for my stepmother. His only condition was that I turn 18. Once I do, I will kick my mean stepmother and her stuck-up daughter out of our fortune. I can't wait to be freed by them...

You see, we were not a normal family. Not to brag, but we are filthy rich with many and various connections around the world. Hence, outsiders think of us as nobles. But someone isn't worth of such a title because of their money. My parents were the most wise, angelic, kind people there are.

When my parents died, everyone showed sympathy towards me and will run to my rescue if I call them. I am very dear to them since I used to play and converse with everyone, as well as observe them when they talked bussiness with my father. Despite their caring for me, though, most of them keep a safe distance from my " family" since my stepmother and her daughter are quite plotting and cunning, not to mention revengeful.

I decide to answear her call, as I tremble at the consequences if I don't...

K. - Yes Mother, I understand. I will do as you please right away. Yes...

I talked to her in a stern voice. I heavy another sigh of exhaustion and hung my head in resignation as soon as the call ended. I can feel his eyes on me since the very first vibration. Curious little kitten, aren't we? We suddenly lock eyes, but despite the fact that I didn't expect it, I was too tired to blush.

- Is everything alright?

He asked me with a worried look on his face. For some reason, it somewhat made me feel weird to see him like that. Something like pain and happiness at the same time.

K. - Yeah, I just won't be enjoying myself today... Mother wants me to go shopping right away.

??? - But don't you at least need to rest or eat? You haven't done either for the whole day...

K. - Yes, but it doesn't really matter.

??? - You should take care of yourself otherwise you will collapse... My friends always say this to me.

I was both shocked and surprised by his attitudute towards me. It's been a while since an outsider has cared for me in such a way. I stare at him with wide eyes, but soon enough I return to the way I was before.

K. - I guess so, but I don't really have a choice, do I? You should be grateful to your friends though... They seem like they really do care about you a lot.

He doesn't answear. As I am walking towards the door, trying to put some distance between us during the awkward silence, a sudden dizziness overwhelms me...

The next thing I know is that my vision turns blurry and my body is slowly falling... " Here we go again..." I think to myself as I close my eyes, awaiting for my meeting with the already familiar, cold, hard floor...




Hmmm??? I feel warmth surrounding me... I slowly open my eyes and to my surprise, the first thing that comes into view are red, crimson eyes peering at my face, scanning me for wounds from top to bottom.

He has come to my rescue.... He's kneeled down on one foot and has a grim, strong, grip on my lying body. He slowly stands up, holding me in his arms against his chest, bridal style. Then, he carefully sits me down on a close by chair and kneels down once more so that our eyes can meet.

- Are you unhurt?!

He asks me with a more worried, tense and protective posture than before. ( jinx...)

K. - Yes, thank you... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping that needs to be done...

Just as I got up, an afterwave hits me and I stumble a bit. 'Come on Katherine, you know better than to stand up so fast...' He stands up in lighting speed and presses me against his body, as I was trying to stabilise my own. He sits me down carefully again, as if he were handling glass. He then takes out his phone and goes a bit further, dialoging a number.

The person on the other end of the line answears almost immediately. While he is talking to the phone, I reassure myself.... I am certain now. He definitely isn't human... Nothing else can explain his characteristics.

Even though I am aware of this, I am not scared... Heck, I don't even care if he is human or not. He is the only one that makes this lingering feeling in my heart at ease. After ending the call, he comes back with flaming, determined eyes.

- Do you mind if I join you at your shopping?

I find myself dumbfounded. 'Say what now?!' I stare at him with surprise...

K. - It's okay! I can do it by myself! Besides, it seems like someone is waiting for your return.

- I insist...Please, take me with you.

He looks at me with his intense, slightly begging gaze as I am left pondering for a while....

K. - ... Fine... I don't mind...

I answeared him honestly, with a hint of blush on my cheeks. For some reason, I kind of want him to come with me. Just for a little while longer...

After hearing my response, his eyes lit up, with softness in them, and his lips curled upwards, forming a soft smile on his face. He helps me get up and steady myself, and then we each take our belongings and headed out.

He multiple times tried to make me give him my heavy school bag, but, what can I say, I am a stubborn girl that causes trouble for others. So, I insisted on carrying my own stuff.

As we are heading towards the supermarket, I can see him occasionally checking my complexion, asking if I needed a break, or he would would out his hand everytime I slipped and tripped.

In the end, I ended up holding his hand. Not even my tiredness could keep me from blushing from times to times. The one thing that one can say that I am totally not used to, is without doubt, simple skin contact with other people, especially the other gender. Not to mention a handsome man... There are some exceptions though.... Anyway, together, we slowly make our way to the supermarket...

To be continued...

Hello again! I would love to hear your opinions and I'm open to any kind of good critism that you may have.

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