Chapter 5 : A closer look

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I wonder for how long we have we have been walking for. It should be around 6 or 7 in the evening. A beautiful sunset surrounds us as the winter chill is slowly creeping in. We are walking side by side and I take this chance to observe him a bit further.

As I glance at his profile, my breath is stolen away. His black hair is brushing against his shoulder, slightly covering parts of his well-defined face. His almond-like eyes with a crimson, hellish red color are like a demon's: so vivid and piercing that can read the deepest parts of ones soul.

Yet, his eyes have a hint of pureness in them. It is as if he has seen the deepest parts of Hell, has made choices nobody could ever make, and still remained pure. His skin is pale and white, not that of a sick person's, but such a clean white that one would consider healthy, flawless.

His lips are so tender, but well-shaped. He is tall enough that he is towering over me, and I am not exactly short. He doesn't look like the athletic type, but his bodyline is somewhat sexy and well-defined. He has a medium sized back and his shoulders are a bit bigger, ideal for someone to lean on.

His legs are long, making his walking even more elegant than it already is. He always stands straight, making him have a commanding presence. I suppose being a supernatural being from another era gives someone the ability to be so.

Since I was little I was able, along side with identifying supernatural creatures, to recognise the level of power they possess and I can tell that he is one of the most powerful beings in existence, if not the most powerful one. Well, after someone I know...

Moreover, as years go by, I get plenty of chances to meet and speak to some of them for a brief moment, to give them directions or to answear a question. Some of the weak ones follow me around sometimes, seeking protection, since the stronger and more aggresive ones don't come too close to me,... most of the time... Curious "little" bastards.

There is also the kind that live in the human world and stay here in disguise. Since they avoid trouble and choose to stay passive, I stay out of their way.

There are, though, some too aggresive, angry, anxious ones that kill people from times to times. I have seen plenty of them too, in this dirty world. I always get the feeling that they stay away from my path. Like they are less offended by me and actually keep their distance. Of course, that's not the real reason why they do it, but let's say that that's the one for a while longer. They won't attack me no matter what I do, and trust me, I have tried, but you most certainly don't want to know how...

Other people don't actually 'see' or notice them for that matter. Even so, there are just a handful per millions who can see them, but they get eaten after their little 'discoveries'.

Sometimes the upset, menaching ones even come to class and sit next to me as if to calm down, reassure themselves, or just to recharge faster their power and focus, keeping their conscience intact, helping them have more control since half of them can't restrain themselves, hence the anxiousness and keeping their distance.

Some of them want to be seen and converse with me, as if I have something interesting. They randomly show up at school in human form (which is too sexy) and start talking to me. I even make deals with them at times.

For instance, they seek company, information or simply entertainment and in exchange they promise not to cause any trouble. Surprisingly enough, they never break their promises, unlike most humans I have met... They even get angry when I am disturbed and end up protecting me from various threats like cars, bullying, or will bring me medicine and stuff when they feel my presence is weak or when I am actually sick and such. If that isn't cute, then I don't know what is!

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