Chapter 1: The beginning

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It is yet another day. Same morning routine, same school route, same halls, corridors, classrooms, lessons and teachers...

- Good morning children. How was your weekend? Good?

Said the teacher while not even waiting for some sort of answear while taking her place on the teacher's desk.

Teacher - It looks like there is a new transfer student coming today.

That's unusual... Whatever, he is going to be just like everyone else, making fun of me, feeling the need to humiliate me... That's at least what I thought. There's a knock on the door. It slowly opens revealing a tall, young man, with black and brown at first glance eyes, but in reality they are a dark, crimson red, so vivid that I find myself looking straight in them. It is a very unusual eye color, but nobody seems to notice.

What I find strange is that he is dressed so formally, especially since he is wearing a white school uniform, like the ones they wear in extremely high-class schools abroad.

He has an intimidating aura, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. I can see him examining all of the unfamiliar faces one by one, until he suddenly locks his eyes with mine.

Out of 18 new classmates, it just had to be with the one that wished to keep a safe distance from anyone, new or old, friend or foe... Despite that, I can feel his devilish, yet pure eyes studying my soul, like he is trying to comprehend my whole being... As if I am a riddle he is trying to solve, he still has his gaze fixed on me. He may have figured out who or what I am, but everyone, stupid or smart, knows to keep away from me.

Teacher - Don't just stand there! Get in and sit wherever you like. Now, can anyone remind me what we did last time???

As the teacher kept bubbling on and on, he decided to sit with the " bad boys" at the back of the class, after they had motioned him over. Obviously, the other girls shot daggers full of hate and jealousy at them since they wanted to "get close" to him.

What did I even expect? Of course he would choose the boys. Even if he had chosen the girls, I still would be disappointed since I am not as pretty and dressed up as they are... Besides, he seems to be having fun with them. I am still jealous though...

Still, I get the feeling that he wants to get to know everyone, but wants to pay close attention to the lesson as well. You know what else is weird? He hasn't spoken at all. Not a word. Well, I guess everyone has their own backstory... Even so, I am oddly interested in his only...

To be continued...

Hey there! Name's Fenia! Please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts!!! They will be deeply appreciated since this is my first story! See you later~~~

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