Chapter 18

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Kylie's POV

It's been 10 days with them in New York.And these were the best 10 days of my whole entire life.
I felt as if we were together for forever and as if we knew each other for our whole lives.
The only thing we missed a lot is Chase.He didn't come with us,but we talked with him every day for hours.
Sadly,we had only 4 more days to spend here.
It's not like we wouldn't see each other afterwards,but we'll be left with only a little of what's gonna be left of summer break.
And then everyone's gonna be a lot bussier with school and all that stuff.
We spent the past 10 days in reastaurants,arcades,cafes,etc.
We were outside all day almost every day.We spent a lot of our time on the pool and we had a lot of fun.
We spent our nights talking and playing all kinds of games,watching movies and tv shows.
It was truly the best time ever.

For today we planned on going to the store and buying snacks and drinks and then we'll stay inside,because it was a rainy day.

e went to the store and split.
Me and the girls were getting snacks and the guys were getting drinks.
"So" Cayla said catching our attention "Anthony,huh?" she said looking directly at me.I instantly blushed "What about him?" I said giving her an awkward smile.
"You like him,don't you?" "No,nope,nuh uh,not at all" I said a little embarassed.They just looked at me and laughed "Just keep telling that to yourself,sweetie,we all know you do" Cassidy added with a smirk on her face.We chatted a little while shopping and got everything we needed.

Anthony's POV

While we were at the shop,Noen and Jaden pulled me to the side so we were a little further away from Chase.
"Dude,if you don't ask Kylie out by tonight,I will" Noen said and gave me a serious look "You know I can't" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Why?" Jaden asked "Umm" I said widening my eyes as I glanced over at Chase "Oh,yeah,right" Jaden said "But he wouldn't mind it" he added "Uh yes he most certainly would" I said shout whispering "Well,do you want to ask her out?" Noen asked "I told you guys a million times by now;I would if it weren't for Chase and their stupid rule" I said looking over at both of them "Anthony" Jaden said putting his hands in my shoulders "You've been in love with that girl for over a year" he said "I know,but I-" he cut me off "No,no. I'm not done. So,you've shown that you do have strong feelings for her.The best you can do is to ask her out.At least try." he said removing his hands from my shoulders.I looked over at Noen and he just nodded in confirmation.
I shrugged my shoulders and said "I'll try my best"
They smiled at me and we walked back to Chase.
How do I do this?
I really want us to be something more than just friends.

*small time skip*

Kylie's POV

We put all four beds together in Cassidy's,Cayla's,Julia's and my room.
We put a bunch of pillows and blankets from the boys' and our room.
I got the snacks ready,along with Julia and Cassidy and Cayla got our drinks ready while the boys picked out a movie/show.
It was only 11 am so we are probably gonna binge watch movies and shows all day.
We layed down and got comfortable.

*time skip*
(im lazy sorry)

It's currently 5pm.
We chose to binge watch the show "Friends" today.
It was a classic and we all loved it.
I was getting kinda bored,though.
It was my 4th time watching it all over again.So I decided to step out a little,since the rain had stopped a couple hours ago.
"Hey,guys" I said getting out of the bed "I'm going out for a couple minutes,I need some air"
"Are you okay?" Chase said as he stood up "Yeah,I'm perfectly fine,I just want to go out for a little" I said.
"I'll be back,bye" I said as I grabbed my phone and went outside.
There were some benches outside of the hotel and luckily there were no people because of the rain.
I felt relieved as I was alone outside.
I don't like to socialize much.
I took deep breaths and just sat there thinking.

Anthony's POV

I felt some push my arm.It was Jaden.
He leaned over to my ear and whispered "Show time".
I knew exactly what he was reffering to.Kylie.
She was alone outside and it's the perfect opportunity for me to ask her out.I had no time to waste.
She could be back at any moment.
I nodded to Jaden and went outside as I told everyone I was stepping out for some fresh air.
I walked down slowly trying to think of what to say.
When I reached the hotel door I grabbed the handle taking in one last deep breath.
I walked out and saw Kylie sitting on the bench. I smiled at myself.
But to my suprise,

she wasn't alone.

a/n: i am extremely sorry for the wait.
my dumb ass forgot to update yesterday *face palm*
i hope you enjoyed this one!

Friends or more than that? ~Anthony Reeves~Where stories live. Discover now