Chapter 6

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~In the skating park~

Kylie's POV

Anthony looked at me with relief in his eyes.He knew that Chase might get mad if him and I talk too much.
And Chase made sure that his friends knew about our sibling rule.
You know,as siblings,Chase and I have a few of our rules.
Some for when we're home alone and some rules we need to stick to always.
Some of the rules included:
'Do not touch my stuff;
Do not enter my room;
You know that most siblings have the same rules,like Chase and I had.
The underlined rule was
'Do NOT date each others friends'
No matter how strong the feelings are,no dating each others friends.
That's why Anthony got scared.He definitely didn't want to lose Chase.But there was no reason for us to be worried,because we didn't like each other in that way.We were just friends. And I am only 'his friends little sister' to him.
We stayed at the skating park for a couple of hours.
We were just skating and fooling around.
It was really fun.
Until I fell.
"Well,that was fun" I said laughing.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked me while helping me stand up "Yeah,I'm good" I said whiping of the dust.
I looked over to the rest of the guys and they were trying so hard not to laugh.
"You can laugh" I said "I won't get mad,I promise."
Right after I said that we all bursted out laughing and continued to skate.
"It's getting late" Noen said "We should get going" Anthony added.
After that we went home.
When we got there it was around 10pm.
"Do you want me to make something to eat?" I asked "No,I'm good." Chase answered."Okay then,I'm gonna go to my room"I said walking up the stairs "Good night" Chase yelled "Night,Chase" I said closing my door.
I took a shower and got into my pajamas.I laid in my bed and decided to text Payton and ask him about his date.



How was your date?

I'll just call you

"Hi" Payton said and his face showed up on my screen. "Heeey" I replied.
"So" I said "How was your date with Angie?" "Well," Payton said softly smiling "It went pretty great.We went to a restaurant for lunch and then went to take ice cream.We were just talking and I had so much fun.Aaaaand we're going out again soon" "That sounds great!" I said with excitment in my voice. "How did your lunch go?Did you have fun with the guys?Were they weird towards you?" "No" I said laughing "I actually had fun.Plus,we went to the skating park afterwards and that was really nice." "I'm glad you had fun,even though it was without me" Payton said with his bottom lip puckered out pretending he was sad "Oh stop" I said laughing "You know I missed you there.And Julia" "I know you did" Payton said laughing.
We talked for about 30 minutes.
"It's getting late" I said "Yeah,we should go to sleep" Payton added "Okay,I'll see you soon" "Good night,Kylie" "Good night".
I hung up and plugged my phone and put it on a night stand besides my bed.I fell asleep soon after.
I woke uo tomorrow morning to the birds singing out the window.No,it was not like in a movie.It was just loud and annoying.I got up and went to the bathroom.I got ready for the day and went downstairs.
Chase was already awake sitting on the couch in the living room.
"You're finally awake" he said smiling "Good morning to you,too" I said kinda mocking his voice.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal.
When I finished my breakfast I got a call from Payton.
"Good morning" "Good morning,Kylie" "What's up?" I asked "So,I was wondering" Payton said "Would you like to go grab a coffee or something because I have to leave tomorrow." "Oh,where are you going?" I asked with a frown on my face "I'm going to visit my mom's sister in Canada" "Oh" I said still with a frown on my face "So?" Payton asked "Yes,I'd like to" "Okay,I'll pick you up in an hour" Payton said "See you" "Bye" I said hanging up.
All that was in my mind was that now I will have no one to hang out with.
Julia's not coming back for 4 weeks,Payton is leaving for who knows how long and my dad is coming back in three weeks.
I'm all alone for the rest of the summer.

Friends or more than that? ~Anthony Reeves~Where stories live. Discover now