Chapter 3

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~Amusment park~

Kylie's POV

I got upstairs and took a bath.I decided to let my hair air dry while I do my make up and pick out an outfit.I picked out a simple black and white outfit,since it wasn't that special of an occasion.

I picked out a simple black and white outfit,since it wasn't that special of an occasion

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While my hair dried,I did my make up.I put on mascara,light neutral eyeshadow,some blush,put on highlighter and my lip gloss.
My hair was already semi-dry,but I had to do something with it since it was already 6:30,so I just blow-dryed it.I braided it to the side and put on my outfit.I grabbed my phone,house keys and my purse and headed downstairs.
Chase was waiting for me at the door."They're waiting for us outside" Chase said.I nodded and headed out the door.As I approached the car they were all standing outside the car.
"Kylie," Chase said introducing me to his friends "this is Anthony,Chase,Noen and Jaden" he said pointing to each one of them.
"Guys,this is my sister,Kylie"."Nice to meet you all" I said smiling. "Nice to meet you,too" they all said at the same time.
We got inside the car.Jaden was driving and Chase,my brother,was sitting next to him.I was sitting in the back,by the window.And just a quick note;since there were only three seats in the back and four of us,we were kind of squished.But the ride was only 15 minutes so we pulled through.
When we got to the amusment park,I saw Julia and Payton at the gate waving at us.We ran to them and I gave them both a hug.
I introduced them to everyone.
"Payton,Julia,this is Anthony,Chase,Jaden,Noen and you know my brother,Chase"."Nice to meet you" Payton and Julia said "Nice to meet you,too" the boys said to them.
"Shall we?" I asked gesturing with my hand for them to follow me.
At first we were just walking around and taking bunch of pictures.
"Do you guys want to go to one of the rides?" Chase asked "Yes","Yeah","Sure" we all said agreeing with him.
We got into the line for one of the bigger rollercoasters.
We waited for our turn for around 15 minutes.
We got in.I was sitting in the front,between Payton and Julia and the rest of the guys were in the back.
We were screaming and laughing as the ride went up and down,left and right.
Once it was over we got out.We went to take the pictures from the rollercoaster and we all bursted out laughing at the funny faces we made.
After a while I asked "Do you guys want to go get cotton candy?" I asked with a smile on my face.Everyone nodded and we started walking towards the cotton candy stand.As we approached the cotton candy stand Julia said "This one's on me" "You don't have to do that,Juls" I said "Well I'm leaving tomorrow and I wanted to do something before I leave,so this is the perfect opportunity".I nodded smiling.She handed the money to the guy working there and we all took our cotton candies.We walked around for a little while and took a bunch of pics.
"Guys" Chase said "We need to go home,it's getting late"."I agree" I added "It's already 10pm".
We then headed home.Payton,Chase and Noen went together in one car and the rest of us went together in another.Jaden was driving,again,and Chase was sitting next to him.
I got in first and sat in the back by the window.
To my suprise,instead of Julia,Anthony came in and sat next to me.He just smiled at me and I smiled back,turning my head to the window.
When we arrived to Julia's house I got out of the car with her.
I hugged her tightly.
"I'm gonna miss you,you know?" I said with my head burried into her shoulder,still not letting go of the hug.
"I know" she said "And I'm gonna miss you,too".Slowly pulling out of the hug,Julia added "I'm not gonna be gone for forever,though".I looked at her with a small frown on my face,pulling her in for another short hug.
"Have a great time!" I said walking back to the car.
I got in and Anthony asked me,almost whispering "You two really love each other,huh?" "Yes" I said "She's my best friend".
The rest of the ride was kinda quiet.
We got to our house and everyone got out of the car.
I was kind of suprised,since they lived a little further away.
Chase saw my confused look and said "Oh" he said turning to me "I forgot to tell you.They're staying the night".
"Okay" I nodded and got in the house.
I immediately went upstairs.
"Don't you want to eat something first?" Chase asked "No,I'm not hungry" I said closing my bedroom door.
I took a quick shower and got ready for bed.I put on my comfy shorts and an oversized t-shirt.
It was already 11pm and I went straight to my bed.All I could hear were the boys talking and laughing downstairs.
Thirty minutes passed.I couldn't sleep so I decided to go live and catch up with my fans a little bit.
I started a live on instagram.
Minutes after,hundreds of fans joined the live.So I started talking with them,kinda excited
"Hi guys!" I said with a smile on my face "I know it's late but I can't sleep,so I decided to talk to you for a bit"
I sat there and answered questions my fans asked me.
A comment caught my eye.My fans also noticed really quickly and started questioning me about it.
I just stared at the screen for a while,really confused.
"Did I really just read that?" I thought to myself.

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