Chapter 23- While the cat's away, the mouse will play

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Weeks had gone by, and they were nearing Thanksgiving. They were a day away from having a week off, and to enjoy spending the holiday with their families. Bodhi had been missing her friends, and was wondering what they had been up to since she left, and tried calling each of them, with having no such luck with getting a hold of either one of them.

Logan walked to the back of the bus to see what Bodhi was up to, and when he walked into the bedroom, he noticed she was looking down, and sat down next to her "What's with the long face?"

"I've been trying to get a hold of my friends for days, wanting to see how they've been, and nobody will answer their phones... I've been missing them, and could use a friend to talk to... not that I don't mind talking with you, it's just not the same, you know what I mean?"

Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and leaned over, kissing her on the lips "I understand, and I'm sure they're working, or have been extremely busy."

"I know, but to not even get a text message back from them, is just odd." she says, looking at her phone in her hands "I almost feel like something is wrong... what if the hospital or police changed their minds, and decided to press charges anyway?"

He removed the phone from her hands, and set it down on the other side of him. Taking her hand, he held onto it tight, and looked her in the eyes "I'm 99.9% positive they didn't rescind on their word, we had a deal, and Grant made sure they wouldn't do such a thing."

"How would you know? We've been on the road for nearly two months, anything could have happened." she says, looking at him with saddened eyes.

He shook his head, knowing they didn't get arrested, or were charged with any crime "Believe me, they aren't in any trouble. Besides, they had no clue who helped you, remember?"

"Yea, but Darla works with the hospital, drives the ambulances, they could have found out she was involved."

He smiled "I'll guarantee to you, they're all fine." he says, trying to assure her that everything was all right.

He looked at her and smiled, wanting to cheer her up, he figured he would have her go out and talk with the band, and get her mind off her friends "Come on, we're almost to Vegas, our last show before Thanksgiving, and before we hit the road again and finish off the tour." he says, taking her hand, wanting her to come and sit with the band.

She sighed, followed him to the front of the bus, and sat down on the couch with a frown on her face. She was worried, and no matter what Logan said, she still believed her friends were in jail.

"Cheer up buttercup." Sam said smiling, after seeing Bodhi's frown "Just think, we have a week off after tonight, and we'll be able to enjoy a feast in a couple days."

She looked up, and smiled "I know..."

They finally arrived in downtown Vegas, and checked into the Golden Nugget. Being that their show was going to be there, they decided they would all spend the night at the casino, and not have to worry about anything until the next day.

After bringing their belongings to their rooms, they headed down, and began getting ready for the concert. Bodhi tried one more time to get a hold of her friends, and gave up after twenty minutes when nobody would answer. She then called her parents, wanting to hear their voices, to let them know where she was, and to let them know she'll be home before Christmas.

Grant found Bodhi and had her get off the phone, walked her to where she needed to be, and surprised her to who was all standing there, waiting for her. "Oh my God!!" Bodhi screamed, and ran over to her friends, jumping up and down as she hugged them "I've been trying to reach you girls for days! Why haven't you answered me?" she asked, as she pulled out of their group hug.

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