Chapter 15- The deal

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Bodhi was falling more and more in love with him each day. The more he talked to her the way he did, the bigger her heart was becoming. She was so in awe with his guitar playing, the song he was singing, and the words that came out of his mouth, she almost forgot about the phone call.

She looked at him, and twisted her lips "I don't mean to change the subject, but my phone has been ringing, and being that it was a number I didn't recognize, I didn't answer it. When I looked up the area code, it came up as a Las Vegas number, you wouldn't happen to know who would be calling my phone from there, would you?"

He gave her a confused look, knowing he never gave her phone number out "I wouldn't have a clue who it would be, I always blocked your number when calling everyone."

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter, picking up the phone and walking it over to Logan "This is the number." she says, showing him.

He grabbed her phone, looked closer at the number, and was shocked to see who was calling "I never gave him your number."

"Who is that?"

"My agent." he said surprised.

"Oh God, he knows." she said, freaked out. "I'm done for." Her eyes started to fill with tears, and sat down on the couch, placing her head in her hands.

"I'll call him back, and see what he wants. Don't go getting yourself all worked up now, this could be a good thing." he winked. He looked at her, then looked down at her legs and smiled. He wanted to get her to smile and placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it up and down softly "I was thinking... we should really name each one of your legs."

"Name them?"

"Yea, this one we'll name Thanksgiving, and this one we'll name Christmas... that way I can come and visit between the holidays." he smirked, then laughed when she leaned back on the couch while covering her mouth, not wanting him to see her giggling and smiling. He got in her face, removed her hand from her face, and gave her a kiss "That's the smile I was looking for. I'll be right back, let me call my agent and see what he wanted." He gave her one more kiss before standing up and going in another room to make the phone call.

Logan sat on the bed, and called his agent back. Being that he somehow got Bodhi's number, he was hoping that he was calling with some good news. "How did you get this number?" Logan asked, after Grant answered his phone.

Never mind that, I've got everything worked out, charges are all dropped, and all Bodhi must do is write an apology letter. Grant began explaining, and explained to Logan everything that the hospital said, what the police said, and explained how Bodhi needed to write the letter. Her name will never come out, it will be the hospital's and our secret. If she doesn't write the letter, the deal is off the table.

"You're telling me that no money is to be paid for what she did, or what she stole to use for me?" Logan asked shocked.

Nope, nothing. At first the hospital wanted to charge her for all the medical supplies she used, the drugs, and a fine for stealing. But the superior changed his mind after I had a talk with him, and threatened him with suing the hospital for negligence.

Logan couldn't believe it and was grinning ear to ear. He nearly dropped the phone when he stood up excitedly, punching the air, and wanting to scream yes, yes, yes, but refrained from doing so, not wanting to let Bodhi know just yet. Grant filled him in with more details, and wanted Logan to call him back when they were ready for him to come get the hospital's belongings, and for them to come back with him.

Logan sat on the bed for a while after hanging up with Grant and thought about things. He looked around the room, and remembered Bodhi saying the owners were selling the cabin to whomever was interested. He knew Bodhi liked it there, as did he, and felt it would be a great place to come to, when he needed a break, and a vacation away from home, away from everyone.

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