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Sleep is just not a word in my dictionary anymore. Part of the reason is because Kaden cries all night and keeps me up then sleeps most of the morning, actually that's most of the reason and the other part is because I'm now sleeping in one of the guest rooms because I refused to sleep in the same room as Tristan. Sometimes I even slept in Kaden's room or slept in the rocking chair with Kade in my arms because it soothed him. Being a first time mom is scary as hell and tiring too but I didn't mind what so ever, he was my little baby boy and I would die to save him.

Tristan and I might not have been getting along but that didn't mean that he didn't help me out, thing is though, I don't like him helping because he doesn't do it how I would and sometimes it stresses me out. Miles, Layla, Leah and Blake sometimes come to help out but it's just mostly me and Layla, who by the way got Kaden's full name tattooed under the rose with a couple small stars.

Tristan and Blake would be doing work for the gang, trying to find out who attacked me but I didn't see why they were doing so much, he hasn't attacked me or anyone close to me since the first time which was a couple months ago but I wouldn't ask because I knew he would only get angry.

Little cries came through the baby monitor that sat by my bed, the lights on it lit up as I pushed away the covers and got out of bed, rubbing my eyes as I padded into Kaden's room. I saw him crying his eyes out with his mouth open showing the toothless mouth he had while moving about.

Yawning, I walked over to his cot and lifted him out of the cot, hugging him close to me as I rocked him slowly so that he would calm down. I had only fed him around an hour ago and changed his nappy too, he just wanted mommy's attention and I was considering buying or moving this cot into my room or just maybe making him sleep in my bed.

'Go back to bed, I'll take care of him.' I jumped when I heard Tristan next to me, when the hell did he come into the room? 'Its fine, I got him.' I whispered, turning back to Kaden whose cries were slowly getting louder since Tristan came into the room. Tristan sighed next to me then walked to the cot to get out a stuffed animal and while he was doing that, I looked at his form and noticed he was only wearing jeans with no top and that still had managed to drive me crazy.

His back shone against the moonlight that came through the window and the tattoos that ran along the length of his arms and some on his back were clear against the light. As soon as Tristan turned around, I looked down at Kaden then back up at Tristan who looked just as tired as I did with dark rings under his eyes and his form was slumped but he still managed to look very intimidating and sexy. My after pregnancy mind is in a jumble, don't blame me!

'Give him this.' My eyes travelled to the stuffed animal and I took it in my hands before giving it to Kaden who clutched it in his hands making his cries quieten down a bit. Relief filled me but that was before he threw the toy on the ground and started crying again, even louder this time.

Suddenly, he was hauled out of my arms and was in Tristan's arms; Tristan bent down to pick up the toy and shook off the invisible dirt before tapping it on Kaden's nose and just when I thought it wouldn't do anything, Kaden's attention was on the stuffed animal.

'Go to bed.' Tristan said, while looking at Kaden. When Tristan didn't hear any movement from me, he looked at me from under his lashes while cradling the now quiet baby in his arms but I refused to come out of this room. 'I'm fine. I'll go to bed when he's asleep.' Tristan didn't say anything else but kept rocking Kaden from side to side slowly. I was getting a little tried like little Kade was so I went and sat on the rocking chair, trying to keep my eyes open but slowly failing.

'Hey, you're going to get a sore back sleeping like that.' Someone was tapping me. I opened my eyes to see Tristan standing over me; as everything started becoming clear, I realised that Kaden had gone to sleep just like I had done but difference was, his back didn't ache like mine was doing right now. Whispering a thanks to Tristan, I got up and walked to the cot and bent down to kiss Kaden a goodnight before walking to the door.

'Do you want anything to drink or eat?' Tristan asked me just as I got to my room, I looked up at him and shook my head as a little smile was on my lips at his gesture. 'I'm good for tonight, thanks. Go to sleep, you look really tired.' I said to him. He parted his lips to say something but chuckled a little, looking down at his feet and nodding at me before turning to walk to his bedroom.

Just as I got to bed, my tummy started rumbling indicating that I was a little hungry making me huff in annoyance because I was both tired and hungry and I didn't think that my hunger would let me sleep tonight like it had done for many nights.

It wasn't that I wasn't eating as I should be, but handling a baby while trying to make food sometimes got hard to do so I just ate little snacks; I don't think I've had a proper meal since before I had Kaden but I didn't mind, my tummy did though. Getting out of the warm comfortable bed, I slipped on my fluffy socks so my feet didn't get cold then I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs quietly so I didn't wake Tristan or Kaden up.

The kitchen light was already on when I had gotten downstairs leaving me confused, I hadn't heard Tristan come downstairs but when I got into the kitchen, I saw that he actually had gotten up. I couldn't say that I was surprised because he was a gang leader and their supposed to work quietly and mysteriously. 'So you got hungry?' Chuckling a little, I nodded and walked over to the fridge and opened it and looked over at the "many" foods we had in there. I decided to go with the little fruit salad that was in the fridge and brought it to the table where Tristan was drinking what smelled like coffee.

'I'm sorry that you have to keep waking up.' I said apologizing. I don't know why I was apologizing but a part of me felt guilty that he was doing extra work and he had to come home and face a crying baby when I was a stay at home mom. 'Don't say sorry, he is my son as much as he is yours.' Pregnancy mind was really content on jumping his bones right now because of the way he was speaking to me right now.

'Do you want me to make you anything?' I asked after eating some of the fruits until I was happy that my stomach was okay with how much I have consumed. Walking to the fridge, I opened it and put the fruit salad back in and turned to Tristan only to see him directly in front of me well he was behind me but now he was towering me and he had a look on his face. Closing the fridge door behind me, my eyes never looked away from Tristan and suddenly, I felt comfortable in his presence.

A soft kiss was placed onto my lips before it turned into me being smashed onto the fridge, my arms were pinned above my head as me and Tristan fought for dominance in the kiss. Tongues swiped each other's lips but it was me that had opened my mouth first because Tristan pressed himself into me more making me feel how hard he had gotten in the kiss. His tongue slipped through my mouth and was exploring while battling with my own tongue, his free hand was underneath my top, pressing onto my already pebble like nipple before I realised what was happening. Tristan seemed to realise too because he and I both pulled away at the same time, breathing hard but not making any move to get further away from each other.

'Go to sleep and don't wake up till tomorrow morning.' That was all Tristan had said before he turned and walked out of the kitchen leaving me flushed and red like a freaking tomato! God, I almost forgot about Aimee, thank God she didn't wake up from the noise. I needed to keep my hormones in check...

Gang Leader's Kid (#1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now