two text messages

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[ Crazy In Love (Beyoncé) cover by Sofia Karlberg bc perfection ]



CAL: The game went really well. We won 8-3.

CAL: Luke?

CAL: Lucas.

CAL: Lucifer.

CAL: Oh, almighty sex god.

CAL: Where are you babe? 

LUKE: Holy crap, sorry! I know it's been like, four hours since you've texted me but I've been extremely busy today. 

CAL: It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay.

LUKE: Congratulations on the win, babe! How many goals were yours?

CAL: 5.

LUKE: Oh kill 'em. ;) 

CAL: Ahaha what are you up to?

LUKE: About to go into a meeting to discuss some things with management.

CAL: What things?

LUKE: Just things. Can't talk now, they're calling me over. Bye xx

CAL: Skype later?

CAL: Okay bye xx.


CAL: Oi Ash.

ASH: Aye, what's up mate?

CAL: Eh, nothing. I'm bored and Luke is in a meeting.

ASH: A meeting?

CAL: Yeah, with management. Said they needed to discuss some things. I have a bad feeling about this Ash.

ASH: Don't freak out too much, dude. I'm sure they're just discussing what date he'll be coming home. 

CAL: Yeah, true. How's Michael?

ASH: He has scabies. 

CAL: Ew.

ASH: Yeah ahahah.

CAL: Wait, have to go. Mum's calling me for dinner. Bye Ash x

ASH: Laters mate xx



        Part twoooo. By the way, I think this is only going to be a short story. Like, possibly fifteen chapters. I'll see how I feel as I go along.

        Please comment, share and stay cool. Thank you for reading.

        Love Leticia x

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