#1 Mission final Pt

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AN:I apologize for Jackie/Jack's behavior before hand their are a brat for the moment dont worry she wont be like this forever.

Although I got off the stage confident that I would be rank First, I felt nervous to meet the guys...they are going to hate me I just know it! I'm waaay younger then them. I have less to lose if I dont make on the new group...for some of them this is their last shot to debut before they are too old...

I take deep breaths before walking to the waiting room where all the guys were at....... as soon as I open the door they all looked my way.... damn I haven't felt this nervous since I audition for cube 5 years ago.

"Hi" I shy said as I walk in trying to put a confident look on. "So my name is Kim Jackson feel free to call me jack" I tell them trying not to stutter.

For a moment they sat there just staring at me before one of the guys approached me, what was his name again?oh joon? No Yoon?

"Hi!, I'm Noh Yoonho and I must say you have an amazing vocie!" He said kindly as he bow slightly to me. "But it was a little girly" he said as I returned the gesture making me freeze for a moment before I calm reply "well your singing wasn't bad but your transition from singing to dancing could use some work." I look to the others, some of which are giving me slight glares as I walk away from Noh-san.

Once I make eye contact with kihyun tho.... I couldn't help myself... I walk over and head out my hand "Hello my name is Jack. It will be a pleasure to work with You!" I grin at him as he cautiously accepts my hand. "I'm Yoo kihyun " he replies. "Ah! Sorry I've been in the U.S so long I forgot about bowing for a moment." I apologize as I realized why he was weirded out by the gesture. "Its alright, " he replies before cautiously asking "but why are you only acting like this way with me?" "Oh! Well your a really good singer! I have feeling you will see this show to the end!" I tell him as I turn away to jooheon.

"It will also be a pleasure working with you Jooheon!" I tell him causing him to raise his eyebrow at me. "For now your my only real competition at been #1" I tell him. "Excuse you?" He said "I've been training for years even though your singing was good its nothing compared to my rapping. " He slightly brages before he pisses me off . " how long have you been training a year? Please your not up to our level kid"

I narrow my eyes in anger. How dare he ?! I'm not a child! I'm just if not more talent then the people here! I've been training for years! What a bi- Before I could say anything or finish my thought we got call up to see our ranks. "We will see who's better " I murmur to jooheon as he bitterly pass by me to the door. I began to walk out when most people have left but before I could step out I get tap on the shoulder . I turn with a glare to see who tapped me only to the guy I had bump into at got 7's concert. "Um.. Hi I'm Son Hyun Woo you can calle shownu though,anyways I think this is yours " he said as he handed me back my hat with rank 13 on it .

"Thanks" I reply to him as take the hat and remove the rank off of it. "Manager oppa was going to kill me for losing it."

"Your welcome" he said with a cute smile ...which I returned.

"Jacki- I mean 13 and 1 please head up to see you rank" said Manager-oppa

"Ok!""yes sir" we both replied before heading up.

I uncomfortably stand between all the guys.

"The first mission is finally over...let me tell you that the ranks have change quite a bit.....Tell me who do you think did best?."

"I think #gun did best " jooheon said while the rest of the boys stayed quiet.

"Well I think jooheon did pretty good" I said making jooheon look at me [probably think what is he up to]

The judge continues.

"I must say it wasn't easy picking out #1 but this person managed to out shine the other contestant in a important criteria in this challenge,... that why.....Hyolyn will tell you!" He said making the other judges laugh and the trainees relax a bit as they laugh... well except for me .

"First place goes to.....

I smirk as I head up to the 1st place spot. "Thank you!" I bow as I can feel every ones glares on. I shrug them off as the juges explain why I chosen.

"Not only did we see incredible potential in you , jack we saw how you could shine as both a soloist and a leader  despite your young age. Although could you rap next time?" Ask mad clown "I need to see if your really as good as they say"

"Of course sir" I reply

"Now in second  place  we have jooheon , you were amazing as well your rapping shows true passion " the judges said as jooheon begrudgingly steps on the second place. ... Lets hope he doesn't kill me later... i think to myself as the juge continue to give ranks.

In third place we have SHOWNU.
Who disappointlt stepped up. Which is normal since he fell down 2 ranks.

In fourth we have #gun. Who is happy to have  Climbed up the ranks.

5th place kihyun ... weird he should have been at least 2 or 3...

6th place Kwangji.

7th place Yoonoh...I see he's all bark no bite.... well I'll admit he has potential but... he wont be here long... it'll be for the best...

8th place Hyungwon ....what is it about him that just make me want to punch him?...... maybe its cause he handsome?... nah

9 th place  Yoosu

10 th place  Minkyun

"Now every one in ranks 11 through 13 need to watch out this is a survivor show" said mad clown before announcing the "worst" in the group. Although I think they made some mistakes maybe this will wake them up to do better...

11 th place Wonho.... you know the other cute guy too bad he failed at being sexy...

"Wonho you need to understand that you completely failed the mission. "  Set a judge whose name couldn't bother to remember...  and as if  there wasn't enough salt in the wound the judge added "you fell from 4th place to 11th"

"Anyway on our first mission
Last  place goes too... Seokwon"

Meaning Minkyun got 12 th place

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