Joining the show

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Girl groups the most annoying type of k pop group...
Don't get me wrong they are good singers  and kind people. Take girl generation or Sistar which are both groups I've work with in hopes  that we would debut together ....but I was too young....

BUT NOT THIS YEAR because this year I'll be 15 which mean I'm old enough to travel and debut!!!

Anyways the reason I hate girl groups Is quite simple.... they aren't what they seem... for the most part the girls get to do as they like ....but  they are pressured into acting girly and cute on camera. They managers are so  Stereotypical.

They are always forcing them to going on diet, because they always have to be watching their figure  and making surely they look pretty and didnt care much for the music.

I just didn't want that for my group and this often would cost the fights between me and the managers of the group and it was the true reason why I was never debuted in a  group. But because of my age I was un able to debut as a solo artist.

Thankfully I was able to get out of those group and now I find myself in the starship entertainment. thanks to my manager, who some how managed to book an audition for no mercy which is  supposed to be a show to promote and create a new boy group.

"Jackie your audition  will begain in 30 minutes are you ready?" Asked Hyun-seok my manager.

"Jackie your audition  will begain in 30 minutes are you ready?" Asked Hyun-seok my manager

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"Of course! " I tell him as put down my phone.

"What song are you preforming?" He asked as he took a sit next to me.

"I'm going to prefore an American rap that represent me !!" I tell him with bright smile as he face palms.

"Just... dont go crazy" he sighs as I'm called in to get ready

"I'll do what it take to reach the stars manger san...." I tell him with a smirk as I walk into the practice room.

As soon as I walk in notice the fake mirrors in the room.

"You'll be judged by your singing and dancing skills so you might want to practice that" a manager tells me... but I know for a fact they are judging me from behind that fake mirror.

"Ok thank you nona !" I tell her with a bright smile as she bows good bye to me and leaves.

I quickly run to the mic and began practicing...

Just the way you are by bruno Mars just to mess with them.... I cant wait for the REAL audition....they are going to be shock In the change of my vocie... hehe
3rd person POV
The judges shook their head this wouldnt do as expected  a girl wouldn't benefit the group but they had promised Mr. Hyun-seok to let her audition  in exchange he would work for them as a manager of this new group  and if the girl wasn't accept into the group (which the judges now knew wouldn't happen 😉) she would be accepted as a trainee for another girl group.

After she was done sing and slightly swaying to the music they decided to call her into the other room for a "real audition"...

Jackie's POV

Just as I finished the manager from before return and told me it was time for my audition.

As soon as I walking into the new room with the juges I notice the same mirro as before... so I was right they were watch... as always I'm right...I smirked as I made my way to the mic...

"Hello my name is Kim Jacqueline  but please call me jackie" I say with a bright smile.

"Please start now miss" said one of th juges k.will

The two other judges nodded in agreement  to his words

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The two other judges nodded in agreement  to his words.

I smirked it was  Obvious that they didn't believe in me so was time to show them the other side.... Ms.J my future stage name

I smirked  as I danced a long  with the beat from time to time (your the guy in a  Black Jersey then the girl with a blue shirt and then you go back to the guy in black Jersey)[keep in mind you have a mic in hand]

I smirk as I stare stare the judges who have their mouth wide open... next thing I know I hear K.will yell

"you're in!"

Monsta x's 8th memberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora