♛ 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒯𝑜 𝒯𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽 & 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒯𝑜 𝐵𝑒 𝒯𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 ♛

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Aries & Libra: Self love/Self worth

Both Aries and Libra are about the self, though both are coming from opposite ends. Aries might find themselves alone at times, wondering if their personality is the reason they stand alone constantly, if they self refelct too little, if the self righteous way is the healthy way and most importantly: if the attitude they put on is really how they feel inside? Libra might feel the same a lot as well, but they rather have troubles seeking approval somewhere else or not noticing their boundaries getting too blurry, their self getting lost in others or conceptions and ideas/ideals. At the end of the day both look in the mirror and ask themselves: am I really happy with who I am, is this smile honest and sincere?

Taurus & Scorpio: Security/ Stability

Nothing seems more appealing than a sense of security and stability for this pair. Scorpio needs the inner stability, the trust, the loyality, the depth. Taurus needs the home, the money, the job, the comfort of not having to worry about tomorrow. Both can be led by the opposite though: greed and control. Scorpio wants to possess the inner being, the people, the emotions; Taurus wants to have all the goods, all the luxury and special something's, etc. Greed and control can led both of them in wrong area, where they will never be satisfied and search for more and more because they always feel like there is something missing: something that won't let them sleep comfortably at night.

Gemini & Sagittarius: Satisfaction

One thing that is the motivation of many of Sagittarius and Geminis actions is their inner drive for being satisfied. Nothing is enough, they are constantly bored, finda new hobby, new job, new friends, new lover, etc. There is nothing more difficult for them then being satisfied. Now, curiosity and their thirst for knowledge and life are not entirely bad, it's a beautiful characteristic to have, but a red line that guides them through life needs to be created by them in order to not get lost. Feeling lost is another big part in their life that gives them the feeling to never truly be satisfied, that there is always something or someone better, that this life will never be enough to be happy.

Cancer & Capricorn: Warmth

This might seem confusing at first, since Cancer is the sign known for desiring to create a warm and comfortable home life and Capricorn being known to be cold and work oriented. But actually both these types struggle with pursuig warmth, their perception of a healthy lifestyle and home and creating warmth in their life. With Capricorn it either plays no role, being an unnecessary part in their life or they are scared to create it: failure is their biggest enemy. Failure plays a big role in Cancers life as well. There inner fear of being alone, failing in their home life and disappointing their loved ones can create a sufficating environment around them: in moments of weakness they can sting, cling or turn completely cold and shut everyone out.

Leo & Aquarius: Purpose

Both their life ultimately goes back to them: their being, their heart, their ego. They constantly ask themselves what they are here for, what they are good for? Now, the answer can easily be found in the mere description of the signs, but even when knowing that, they can struggle with finding and seeing the clear path in front of them, they will feel not good enough or not appreciated. So Leo covers their fear and inner struggle with being conceited and loud or the opposite: completely shy and unsure. Aquarius won't share their inner wisdom and ideas, they will give credit to anyone else, avoid people at all costs and will act as normal as possible because they are afraid to break out of their shell.

Virgo & Pisces: Regeneration and self-esteem

One thing these signs have in common is giving. Giving and sharing, for Virgo it's usually acts of service, for Pisces emotional support and comfort. But what if you have the feeling no one offers a helping hand in return or: your acts are done for good, no one appreciates your good nature? Bitterness and exhaustion can get a tight grip of these two and both struggle with finding healthy ways to regenerate and restore their power, to be strong and content, to stand up against unfairness and search for a mentality and lifestyle that won't give them mental (and physical) exhaustion. Taking care is important. 

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