♛𝒮𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒯𝑜... ♛

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Aries, for not taking advantage of my kindness & loyalty. Thank you for teaching me that there are still good people with pure intentions in this world.

Taurus, for always being there to lend me a helping hand, & for showing me how good it is to be keen.

Gemini, for making me smile when I was downhearted & felt like my days were dragging by. Thank you for letting me know that you feel the same way as I do, that you understand my hardships and pain.

Cancer, for showing me who you really are & the darkest places of your mind & heart, I promise I will keep your secrets with deep devotion. Thank you for making me feel heard, & teaching my how to connect with my emotions.

Leo, for entering my life & making it ten thousand times better. Thank you for letting me learn so many things from you.

Virgo, for letting me pour my heart out to you in a text message that resembles a short novel & letting me rant to you through a phone call.

Libra, for loving me the way I am. Thank you for not trying to change me.

Scorpio, for understanding that sometimes I just want to be alone and it has nothing to do with our friendship. Thank you for offering me peace in my loneliness and teaching me that spending time by myself is more than okay.

Sagittarius, for bringing light into my world that was slowly becoming black.

Capricorn, for understanding that calendars get filled and life gets chaotic – and that just because I don't see you like I used to, doesn't mean that my love for you has lessened.

Aquarius, for letting my vent when I'm upset & always being there to hold me when I'm falling apart.

Pisces, for all the fun times we have shared & the memories we have created together. Thank you for being so special to me. Thank you.

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